Page 19 of Vengeful Queen
I nod and pull my coat closed to hide the dirt. “It’s freezing out there.”
Smiling, she hugs her arms and shivers, pretending to be cold. But Tracey doesn’t smile and looks as miserable as I feel. I don’t ask them to sit down.
Helen persists and grimaces through her perfect smile. “I saw the stories online. Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yes,” I respond quickly. “I’m fine. What do you want? I’m tired.”
Her brows lift, but she doesn’t take the hint and leave. “We want to make you an honored guest at Theta,” she replies. “You can get away from this dorm and get a break from all the ickiness around you.” She places her hand on my shoulder but doesn’t keep it there long. “You look so tired. You need to take care of yourself.”
“I guess you really want me to join?” I reply, smirking.
Helen laughs. “I told you I do. You’ll be great at Theta. The sisterhood will look after you so much better than your current house.”
My eyes have a mind of their own and roll in disbelief. If three built men are finding it a challenge to protect me, I doubt Theta can pull it off. “Really?” I tilt an eyebrow. “You know, I’m not a charity project or an object of philanthropy.”
Her smile falters. “We can help you repair your image, Charlotte. Good works in the community will overshadow the ugly gossip. And I believe you will match our contribution with your own. Gamma looks so much prettier and classier since you joined.”
She’s so full of shit, I’m surprised she doesn’t reek of it.
“I’m tired,” I repeat with emphasis.
“I’m going to stay here and talk to Charlotte,” Tracey says. Helen nods, pleased with Tracey’s initiative, and waves goodbye at the door.
I’m not pleased at first, but Tracey’s troubled expression makes me curious. “Why don’t you sit down?” I offer her my chair.
Tracey sits down at the desk, her shoulders fallen and her hands in her lap. I take off my coat to hang it up, and Tracey sucks in air sharply. I look down, noticing the tear in my jeans from my thigh to my knee. A nasty mark covers my thigh, but it doesn’t hurt. It will later when it turns into a bruise. I might’ve explained it away if my jeans weren’t also muddy.
“I fell,” I explain emotionlessly. “On the ice.”
Her gaze lifts and locks on my eyes, not believing my obvious lie. “Are you okay, Charlotte? You’ve been through a lot.” Her sincerity gives me pause, but I can’t tell her the truth.
“It’s okay. I fell,” I reassure her. “What’s going on with you?”
Tracey averts her eyes as they fill with tears. “Whatever you’re thinking, you’re right about them,” she says. “Theta is going to use you as a charity case.”
“Why?” I ask.
“I’m not in the loop anymore,” she replies, “but I’ve heard whispers. The pledges are talking about the goodwill slut.” She wipes a tear away. “I’m so sorry, Charlotte. You’ve been through enough.”
I pull an oversized hoodie from the Phoenix gym over my head and sit down on the bed. I take the fake fur throw off the foot of my bed and hand it to Tracey.
“I’m lost,” I admit to her. “I tried to be independent and fucked it up for all to see.” I frown at the geometric pattern on the throw as she wraps it around her shoulders. “I thought having money would rescue me, and I was wrong. I want to drop out.”
Tracey gets up and sits beside me on the bed. “Wealth can’t protect you or anybody. Prisha is gone,” she whispers.
“Gone? What happened? Why did she leave?” My questions are rapid fire.
“You haven’t noticed? Of course you wouldn’t. She left while you were home.” Tracey wipes a tear away. “I can’t say why exactly.”
She stares at the door, and with a start, I remember it’s unlocked. Quickly, I jump up and lock it. Instantly, my heart is hammering so fast that my throat tightens. The shock is wearing off as my emotions slowly rise to the surface. I was almost raped.
Her tears release her tongue. “Sam broke up with me.”
Exhaling, I sit beside her again. “I’m sorry. What happened?”
“I can’t say,” she scoffs. “I have to honor the sisterhood by keeping its twisted secrets. Helen has a dark side, and she’s too close to Kurt.”
“It sounds fucked up.” My head spins as I close my eyes, trying to avoid the breakdown.