Page 6 of Holding Avery
“What are you talking about? Have you been drinking?”
Is this a dream? Or a nightmare? I do go to sleep thinking about Murphy so having a waking dream about him isn’t that far-fetched.
“No, but after this I might start!”
He starts moving through the room and goes to the one piece of furniture I brought with me, a piece of shit dresser with four drawers. One is missing a knob and it’s at least three different colors, but it’s also been with me since I was like five.
He pulls the top drawer open and starts rummaging through it. The top drawer happens to be my underwear drawer. He pulls the whole drawer out and dumps it on the bed in front of me causing me to try to grab as many pairs of panties and bras as I can.
“What the fuck are you…? Murphy? Stop!”
He picks up the only pair of sexy panties I own and dangles the lace and silk in front of me. They’re in the shape of a butterfly and completely see-through with nothing but a little string for the back. Both of us stare at the pair of panties for long seconds before he clutches them in his fists. “Have you ever worn these?”
“What?” What the hell is happening? My brain feels fuzzy and like things were happening that I seemingly missed the one time I actually fell asleep. Is Murphy really here or have I finally lost all hold on reality? And why is he so interested in my underwear all of a sudden? Why is he doing anything with my underwear at all? “Oh my God, Murph! Give me those!”
I make a grab for the scrap of lace, but he only ends up holding them up higher out of my reach. Damn my short genes and my five foot three inches. I try one more time to reach the panties but only end up brushing my breasts up against the side of Murphy. It finally dawns on me what I am wearing and that he can see how touching him affects me since I can look down and see the hard peaks myself. Double damn it!
I turn away and go around him hoping he won’t see what I’m about to do coming. But instead of being all suave and jumping on his back I miss the mark…or in this case the Murph and end up squashed up against him and kind of sliding down the back of him in a sad attempt. He spins -really quickly for a big guy- and I end up dangling in his arms…dangling like my panties are dangling.
“God damn it, Avie, just answer me! Did you wear these for someone or not?”
I push against him until he lets me down and I can step away from him. I angrily tug down my tank where it’s popped up and answer, “No, you freak! I’ve never worn them!”
“Stop tugging that damned thing.” He all but shouts the order at me.
Oh, he’s upset! He’s not happy! “What has gotten into you? Why do you even care if I wore something like that before or not? Why are you even here?
Why am I even arguing with him?
“I…you need to leave, Murph!” I push against him which normally would have him backing up or doing what I want him to do, but this time instead of doing that he snags an arm around my waist and pulls me to him. It brings back every painful moment I’ve suffered through since walking away from him. “Please…leave.”
“I can’t.”
I frown when I realize how close we’ve gotten. Knowing how my body fits against his is just another crack in my already broken heart. All I want to do is melt into him and let him carry me back with him so I can…what? See him necking with some other girl? Become aware of all the many women that parade through his penthouse on any given day? Watch as he makes love to someone that’s not me?
“Not unless I bring you with me.”
“What?” I don’t remember him being so…demanding. “Look Murphy, I don’t understand what’s got into you, but you have to leave. You can’t stay here. You have to go. Now.”
Instead of causing him to back off like I think it might he pulls me to him even tighter squashing me to his side. “Have you ever been with anyone, Avie?”
“And that is your cue to leave.” I try to pull away from him or at least push us closer to the door so it might be easier to get him to leave. I have no idea what’s gotten into him or why he’s asking me all these questions, but I can tell his little visit is going to leave a lasting scar if I don’t push him away and keep him there.
He remains still like my efforts are of no concern to him, but I’m huffing and puffing like I just ran up a hill from a horde of zombies. He loosens his grip on me and for a brief moment, I think he’s about to listen to me and walk away. My stupid heart sinks at the knowledge he’s stopped fighting me, stopped fighting for me. I take a step back from him and prepare myself for his exit. I have to play it off like this is no big deal and nothing between the two of us has changed.
He narrows his eyes, “Yeah…you’re right. It is time to go!”
I fight back the tears that clog my throat and turn to grab a pillow to wrap my arms around so I don’t reach for him before he can leave. But before I can bend down to snatch one up, Murphy has me spun back around and scooped me up over his shoulder.
“Hey! What…” He starts for the door but turns back around and grabs a throw off my bed before tossing it over my pantie-clad ass. “Murph!”
When he starts talking to someone, I push myself up from his back to find out who he’s speaking with. “Don’t touch her shit! We’ll be back for it soon.”
“Whatever, dude, whatever.” He holds up his hands and steps back like he doesn’t want a confrontation. And he’s no bloody help to me! I can’t even remember his name so I can cry out to him for help, so I go to what I do know.
“Murphy! Put me down, damn it. What in the sweet, hot hell do you think you are doing? Have you lost your goddamned mind? Murphy, you crazy bastard, answer me and let me go!”