Page 33 of Mr. Darkness
Chapter Sixteen
We walk through the door to the dining room and are met with glares of five other men and women. I’m the only female wearing clothes and even though that should make me feel guilty and less adapted than the others, it doesn’t. I disregard any remorse instantly when I see just how uncomfortable they all look.
“It appears we’ve all at least made it to dinner this evening. That must mean we have a few that are submissive by nature.” The man at the far end of the table stands as we enter. I can feel his eyes move over me, making me just as awkward as the other girls seem to be. “Damon… it appears you must be losing your charm. Dare I say you’ve possibly chosen your partner prematurely.” His holier than thou demeanor makes me instantly dislike whoever he is.
“You can assume what you’d like, but history has proven itself.” Damon doesn’t seem ashamed that I’m wearing clothes as he responds to the guy, but it’s hard to tell. I stand in silence against the wall behind Damon, mirroring the rest of the women. The men all have plates in front of them, with food littering the center of the table between them all. They begin to fill their plates while we seem to simply be art in the room.
My wrists still hurt from being tied up and I purposely have space between my ass and the wall to prevent it from touching anything. It was bad enough letting the dress rub on it as I walked through the house.
I glance around the room, noticing cameras in the corners. The other women seem paralyzed, only focused and looking at the back of the head of the man sitting in front of them. Jesus, this is like a cult or something. Why would anyone choose to live this lifestyle?
The men converse while they eat, only speaking of life in general and avoiding any talk about the training process or movie itself. Intrigue and curiosity are absolutely killing me and I can’t wait to attack Damon with my questions. He may feel like it’s been an interrogation before I finish, but he agreed to allowing me that. I guess if anything, I can consider this all an experience… maybe even one day write a love story about two people in a situation like this.
Once the men finish eating, I notice them refill their plates and then they all set them back in place before they get up and leave the room. The wait staff sweep in and remove any of the dishes and food that aren’t on the plates the men left behind. A quick glance at the plates, I see different amounts on each. The plate where Damon had set being the fullest.
No one else has moved a muscle… and I’m tempted to sit at this damn table and eat what they’ve obviously left for us. What kind of fucked up treatment is this? I didn’t sign up to starve.
I take the few steps forward and sit slowly, trying to avoid any pain from sitting on the whelps on my ass. It’s quickly obvious that isn’t possible, so I focus on my food. Every bite tastes amazing, but that may just be because I’m not used to eating like this. When you live a secluded lifestyle, you tend to eat minimal and not exactly a four-course dinner.
I hear the men returning and take a deep breath, hoping I didn’t just fuck up. The others never joined me, but I don’t care. If Damon punishes me for eating… I’ll know it’s time for me to step the hell out of here.
“Did we say you could eat?” I stand and resume my spot against the wall as they enter. I refuse to answer, but feel the tightness in my chest when another Dom points at the plate I ate from.
There’s not a single movement in the room except that of Damon’s as he approaches me. Expecting him to lash out and punish me, I’m completely surprised when he whispers in my ear. “Next time wait for me to give you permission. Remember… you have to trust me. I’m here to take care of you. Let me do that.” I want to shove him and yell that he has no right to tell me when I can and can’t eat, but then I remember that I signed up for this shit. I told him I’d try my hardest and play into this whole show, but I had no idea I’d be tested so harshly this early on.
I simply nod, adding this to my list of topics to talk to him about tonight. At this rate, I’m going to need a few hours to get through it all. “Come with me.” Damon’s grip on my arm is tighter than I expect.
“You may now eat.” I hear the other girls’ gain permission once we leave the room. I guess this makes me the black sheep of the house. My stomach starts to turn as we make our way back to his room. An unsettled feeling begins to overwhelm me and once again I start to feel the panic.
He must notice my erratic breathing, because he stops us mid step and turns to face me. “You have no reason to panic. Calm yourself… you can do this.” I internalize everything quickly and force the perception that I’m better, but in truth… I’m not. I’m terrified that he’s going to punish me for misbehaving even though it was only instinct that I acted on. “Camille… just get through the next few days and you’ll understand that you actually hold all of the control in this relationship.” He’s whispering loudly, talking to me openly and rushed. There must not be cameras in this area of the house.
“Damon, some of it is just so ridiculous and I feel like it’s all a mind game.”
“It is. That’s exactly what this is. Can you give yourself to someone completely and allow them to make decisions for you? Can you give yourself to me like that and trust that I’ll take better care of you than you can even imagine?” He drops his grip on my arm, his stare becoming more intense as the seconds go on.
“I’m really trying. I’ll try harder… I just don’t think like those girls. I’m used to taking care of myself and that part of my brain just seems to take over.”
“We have to be better tomorrow. I want to see a complete transformation from you. We have lots of work to do.” And with that, he grasps onto my arm again and pulls me into his room. “Clothes off.” His voice shifts back to the dominant, emotionless ass he is when we’re in here. It’s as if we’re supposed to act… roll play if you will just to get through this. Maybe if I look at it all like that, I’ll be able to do better. The last thing I want to do is make a fool out of Damon in front of the other men in the house.
I swallow hard and can almost feel a shell of armor flow over me as I prepare my mind to take anything he wants to throw at me. Let the mind games continue.