Page 6 of Mr. Darkness
Chapter Two
Drinks with my sister went better than the rest of the day had. Of course, I downed the drinks the second they hit the table in front of me. Carli’s face was priceless as I set down the second empty glass before she’s even had the chance to really get into her first.
“Well, someone is ready to cut loose. I hope you can have some fun tonight Cami. I’ll have Max take care of us. He’s the driver. He’ll make sure no one bothers us and that we all get home safely.” She lets her finger trace the edge of her glass as she goes over everyone who will be there tonight. I couldn’t be any less thrilled about it than I am in this moment. She just made me dread every single second of this night. “Maybe we should try that new club out. Club Voodoo, I hear it’s amazing.”
The instant she mentions it, I jump on the chance to get rid of any risk the strange guy will catch up with us. “Sounds perfect to me.”
“Cami. Thank you so much for today. I know you’ve hated it, but it means so much to me that you’re out and about like a normal person with me. It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to get you out of the house.”
“I know.” I don’t make any excuses for my lack of interest in things lately. She already knows me well enough to know I won’t.
“Do you want another drink?”
I think about my answer and how she explained her friends. This night will go better if I have another. “One more.” And with that, I start making choices that are probably more selfish than I should.
We get pedicures and the rest of the day is spent with her shopping while I stand impatiently wishing I could time warp myself into tomorrow. “I’m buying you this dress.” I look over at a tiny black thing that would never fit my hips and laugh her off. “No seriously, try this on. I think it’s perfect for you.”
Feeling a little less concerned about what I look like after the martinis, I agree to try it on. She allows me my space while I struggle through sliding the material on. Before I open the door, I look in the mirror and stop myself. Rubbing my palms down my sides, I notice how it hugs every curve of my body.
I step out and Carli begins to hoot and cat call loudly. “I knew it would be perfect. Tonight we’re going to have all eyes on us because I promise you… when the men get a glimpse of you in this dress… heads will turn. Not to mention I’ll be looking hot as fuck too, so you know, it’ll be an amazing time.” Eyes on me was not something I was going for, but when I look back at the mirror, I know I have to get this dress. “Cami. I swear it looks like it was made for you. It accentuates your assets… if you know what I mean.” Yeah I know what she means. My ass and tits look huge in this, not to mention it’s cut low in the front revealing plenty of cleavage.
“I’ll have to watch how I sit in this thing. It’s short enough.”
“It’s perfect. Now let’s find shoes.”
She finds at least twenty pair of heels that I decline before we finally agree on one. Black strapped three-inch heel is as slutty as I’ll go. Some of the crap she was showing me has to be for strippers or even cross dressers. I think it was her goal to see how far she could push me.
Her driver takes me home to get ready for the night while Carli makes it very clear that they’ll be there to get me at seven before I step out of the limo. I swear at her for reminding me again and smile as I walk toward my car she had moved to my apartment.
I can hear the strange ringing from my new phone as soon as I open my car door. One glance in the passenger seat and I see that I have three missed calls. I knew it was a bad idea to keep it. This just proves my point.
“What do you want?” I answer. I need to give him his phone back so I can end this insanity.
“Why didn’t you answer when I called?”
“Because I was busy.”
“Not acceptable. You answer when it rings.” His voice is angry and I’m instantly bothered by his tone. Who the fuck does he think he is?
“Look, I’m not interested in answering to anyone. You can have your phone back.”
“Camille. I’m giving you one last chance to prove yourself. Answer it the next time it rings.”
“Why did you call?” I try to get to the point of all of this, even though I have a feeling he won’t just easily give me the information I want.
“To see if you’d answer.”
“Is this all a mind game to you?”
“Isn’t life a game? We pretend to tolerate what we have no desire to deal with all the while we crave something more… or different out of life. I do believe you yourself were playing games today.” He’s observant.
I exhale before I respond to him. This guy is definitely too much for me to deal with. “You’re entirely too perceptive for my taste.”
“You’ll grow to love that side of me. Goodbye Camille.”