Page 11 of Pick Your Pleasure
Chapter Two
With one eye on my phone, I arrange our accommodations for the night. From the corner of the other… I watch her internal debate and cute, corresponding expressions as she mulls over every possible meaning and motive behind my words.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” a crew member comes over the speaker — as I knew they would, thus, the arrangements I just confirmed — “we apologize for the delay and any inconvenience, but for your safety, we’re going to have to ask that you all exit the aircraft in an orderly fashionwhile we see to a mechanical issue.”
Lily’s head snaps my direction, her stunning jade eyes wide and packed with fright. “M-mechanical issue? That can’t be good.”
I shouldn’t laugh; she’s a novice flier and her fear is unmistakably sincere, but it’s already escaped. “Good? No, probably not. As bad as you’re imagining? Also a no.” I rise, cupping her elbow in prompt for her to do the same. “Come with me, Lily. Everything’s going to be fine. I’ll see toboth it, and your well-being, personally.”
Eyes in skeptic slants, she conducts a hurried scan, an assessment, before standing to move into the aisle, leaving room for me to join her. Confident I’ve “passed inspection,” I retrieve both our bags from the overhead then motion for her to lead us toward the exit… In an orderly fashion, of course.
“I’m so sorry for the trouble, Mister Kincade. Your wait shouldn’t be long, and rest assured, I’ll be right here to help with anything you need once we’re cleared to welcome you back on board.” The flight attendant, of whom Lily is less than fond, rightly so, gushes as we pass.
“Th— ”
“Are you insane?” Lily whirls around, seemingly unaffected by my stopped-short bump into her back — that I don’t correct, savoring the feel of her small, firm frame against mine — and shrieks. “Back on board? This sameplane? Surelythere’s some regulation, or fifty, against that!”
“I’ll check.” My subdued tone belies my amusement, and fails to come anywhere close to balancing out Lily’s hysterics. “I’ll check on all fifty, just as soon as we get settled.”
“No need to check anything,” she grumbles. “There’s no way in hell I’m setting so much as a pinky toe back on a plane they just announced is having mechanical issues. You must be outside of your damn mind.”
“All right, then. Since we’re clearly not getting back on this plane, perhaps we should hurry… to book a ticket on one that we are?” Again, it takes enormous will to speak without laughter.
“Youcan do whatever you want. Don’t worry about me,” she heaves, yet doesn’t skirt away from my touch, my hand fanned across the tiny dip in her back… just above her round, perky ass, as we walk up the tunnel. “Call me crazy, but don’t you think they should be a tad more specific as to what, exactly, ‘a mechanical issue’ entails?”
Not foolish enough to interrupt a woman on a tear, I let go my grin… but hold my tongue, maintaining the gentle pressure that’s steering her forward.
“There’s no such thing as too much information, you know, when in reference to large aircraft! A bike? No biggie. Worst-case scenario is what, a flat tire? Broken handlebar? A chain-coming-loose brush with death? But an airplane? Are we talkin’ the bulb for one of the warning lights burned out? One of the freakin’ wings may or may not have a screw loose and could fall off? Or is the grave technicality the fact that the seatbelt in Row B, seat four is stuck? Jesus!” She shakes her head while catching up to her breath, having worked herself up into an adorably sexy tizzy — all the while, still connected to the guide of my hand.
Once we’re back inside the airport, I escort her over to an empty seat in the waiting area and, perhaps too high-handedly, help her sit down. “Do you mind watching our bags while I see to a few things?”
“What? Yes, I mind! Believe it or not, I have a few things of my own to see to. I’ve gotto be on the very next flight or I’ll miss my di—, uh, appointment.” She starts to get up, stopped by my hands on her shoulders.
“Lily, there won’t be any more flights heading out tonight. Not on TransWorld, anyway; I checked. The flight crew that’s here hits allowed hours worked in about—” I check my watch— “forty-five minutes. There’s no way they’ll be able to get a fresh, full crew here before morning. I’m afraid, my impatient little bird, yourwings have been clipped until tomorrow. Now, stay here with our things while I get the rest of our evening sorted.”
“But, wait, wh—” she’s sputtering as I walk away.
“Finally! Where the heck have you been? Outside, trying to fix the plane yourself?” She pops up onto her feet, ready to scurry off… stopped short of her plans once more. “Let go,” her angry purr is joined by a glare aimed at her hand, which is trapped in mine. “Seriously, Trevor. I’ve got to tryand book a flight, or at least get on the stand-by list.”
“There is no stand-by list, and the first flight tomorrow is already booked. For both of us.”
“How’d you book a flight for me? Why’d you book a flight for me? No, never mind, doesn’t matter. I can’t wait until tomorrow.” Ripping her hand from mine, she bolts for the counter… while I take a seat, lean back, and prepare to enjoy the show. “Ma’am?” I hear her politely whine, once she’s flitted her way around the long line of people… that she’s too frazzled to even realize are standing there.
As I watch, I replay every word she’s spoken since meeting her in my head, and come to my own realization. Her actions, most of them crowded by nerves, and the multiple, sudden shifts in her tone, mood… aren’t those of impatience, annoyance or cantankerousness. No, there’s something much bigger at play… eating at her… overshadowing the real Lily.
I rise and walk fast, pulling her away from the counter, and the front of the line she didn’t wait in. “Sweetheart, not only did you just cutin front of all those people, but you seem a bit… unhinged. Talk to me; tell me what you aren’t.”
“Aren’t what?”
“Aren’t telling me,” I chuckle.
“You and that sophisticated tongue of yours.” She rolls her eyes, and I imagine making them roll back in her head… using this sophisticated tongue of mine. “Wears me out. Thanks for all you’ve done, or tried to do, really, but I’m staying in this airport until I figure something out. I can’t wait until tomorrow, Trevor. So please, go about your night.”
“You have no choice but to wait until tomorrow, Lily. That’s not going to change; regardless of whether you choose, stubbornly so, to sleep here, stretched across a row of hard, uncomfortable chairs, or in the hotel room I’ve arranged. Please, take a deep breath and try to see reason. The earliest flight is at seven in the morning, and I swear to you, we’ll be on it.”