Page 54 of Pick Your Pleasure
And there you have it, exactly what I just blurted like a pre-pubescent fool — shot, goal, game — the sappiest thoughts, let alone actual words, to ever emasculate my brain… put right out in the open.
Where she could fucking hear me.
Couldn’t be helped. Something about this woman has me wandering aimlessly into new territory… completely, willingly undone. And when I dare let my eyes veer up to find hers? The tender, warm affection therein, and the small, flattered smile on her angelic face makes my spontaneous, somewhat embarrassing, outburst worth it… and then some.
Oh, but I’m not done yet. Nope… before I even know it, I’m spouting off again. “Just so we’re clear, you’re mine now, Gracie. I’m keeping you. As long as you’re here in Lake City, you’re here with me.”
She’ll probably fight me on that particular demand later, perhaps even try to escape (which won’t work for her), but for now, she’s only worried with perching herself up on her elbows and slowing her breathing. Enough to say, in the cutest little whisper, “Brewer, please…”
The corner of my mouth twitches with primal pride, and as smokin’ fucking hot as it is to hear her beg, the patience I somehow conjured up is now running severely low. “Please what?”
“Not move another inch,” I growl, effectively freezing her in place. “I’ll come to you.” I start to… Oh, for fuck’s sake, never mind — no dicking around with buttons if you just rip your shirt open. Everything else not a problem, I’m down to just my boxer briefs within seconds. I yank those motherfuckers off too and climb onto the bed, slowly moving up and over her until I’m braced on my knees, straddling her chest.
“Let me taste you,” she urges, breath choppy, my dick jerking in willing response.
Now poised on only one elbow, she takes me in her right hand, and I lower my gaze to watch as she licks her lips and lowers her head. All but out of reach to barely slide the tip of that heavenly tongue through my pre-cum, I can’t stop my faint laugh, and groan, at her tiny huff of frustration.
“Here, baby, I’ll help you, if you really want it?” My hand’s in gradual motion, giving her time to convince me before I reach the back of her head… to prop it up for her.
“I…” she pokes her tongue out again, straining to reach me, “can’t,” she groans, not the good kind, shaking my hand away to flop her head, and self, back down on the pillow. “Brewer?”
“Gracie?” I tease through an unkept laugh — she’s just so fascinatedly animated — and absolutely adorable.
“I haven’t given, um, fellatio, since… huh, I honestly can’t remember… but I’m positive, whenever it was, I wasn’t a double-jointed contortionist then, nor am I now. So, work with me? Please?”
Not in the habit of humor while my dick’s hard, out, and inches from a beautiful woman’s mouth, I’m surprised to hear myself I burst out in full-blown, from-the-gut laughter. So much so, my whole body’s shaking as I climb off her. “Ah, Gracie,” it’s still a tad chuckled — “you’re something, baby girl. Something… extraordinary.”
She smiles up at me, then rearranges herself onto her hands and knees, motioning for me to stand at the side of the bed. “Much better.” The authentic excitement is matched by a little shimmy of her perched-in-the-air ass.
I grab my cock, so she can’t, yet, using my other hand to tilt her chin. “Side note, I don’t want to hear about your past… experiences… with anyone who wasn’t me ever again.”
Her lids droop lazily over now-smoky eyes, another tell that she liked my snarled, possessive demand as much as she does when I wink or crook my finger at her. “You got it,” she murmurs, then wraps that glorious mouth of hers around the head of my dick.