Page 19 of Ice
“You have nothing to be jealous of. I’m not yours, nor am I his, and if you don’t get that through your thick alpha skull, I won’t let your ass near me. Check yourself, Maverick. I’m not a fucking piece of property for you to own, and I’m sure as fuck not a piece of meat for you two to tear apart while you fight over me.” I pull her wrist against my side, while she spews her words in my face.
She’s feisty and not at all afraid to tell me off and remind me how it is. Goddamn, she will be so much fun to play with when I get her back home. The thoughts of all the possibilities cause a smile on my face, which only pisses her off even further.
“Kaleb. I’m tired. I’m not dealing with this pissing match. You’re going to have to get over yourself and relax a little.”
“I’ll relax when I can slip inside that sweet pussy of yours again. Until then, I’m going to be worked up. It comes with the territory of running a big mission like this. I’ll need to blow off this aggression somehow, and I can only think of one way that sounds perfect.”
“Do you always think with your dick?”
“No. I assure you, honey, there’s so much more of me craving you than just my dick. I’m not just here to fuck around, Jade.” I pull her closer as I speak close to her ear. She tucks her arms into my chest as I wrap my arms around her before she pushes away. Her hurt arm is wrapped, but she's still moving it.
Using her big, beautiful eyes to look straight into mine, she begins again. “You’re insane. Kaleb, please don’t do this shit in front of the guys anymore. I won’t have anyone thinking I’m fucking my way into these missions. I’ve worked too damn hard for my career to throw it all away like that. I respect these guys, and I want them to continue to respect me. Just because I had a lapse in judgement a few times with you doesn’t mean I’m yours to toy with for all eternity.”
I open my mouth to respond to her lapse of judgment lie, a damn hit to my fucking gut, but see Harris behind her, returning with a shit ton of food in his arms. She turns to see what my eyes are focused on and instantly moves to help him. He must be telling fucking jokes when she reaches him, because she throws her head back and smiles the largest smile I've ever seen on her face. My heart skips at least once, knowing I've never been the reason for her happiness. That's something I plan to change very soon.
JJ and Roberts walk up from their trip to find the latrine, and I exhale knowing I've fucked up my last moment alone with her. From here on out, the team will be tight in our vicinity. I know my seat is next to hers, and I made sure JJ is on the opposite side of her. Harris is in a different fucking row, and I don't give two shits who he's stuck next to. The guy had my back on that mission, but I know damn well he’s not on my side when it comes to Jade.
I don't eat anything he brings back, but I do watch them all interact as a group of great friends. That's what I miss most about being active. The comradery among the guys begins lifelong friendships that lead to so much support, and in the worst cases, heartache as they all come home from the extremities of being on active duty.
Lives change and evolve like the seasons, and a soldier deals with the most extreme cases of that. Going from training for years then to active duty for even more, it's extremely difficult to fit in at home after being away for so long. I should know, I still don't. I have my brothers. Brothers I met when I served and who haven't faltered since. My real blood brother is a piece of shit who doesn't even deserve a mention from my mouth. He’ll get his one day. I don't even have to serve it to him. He fucks up enough that karma will do its job.
Her laughter pulls me from my thoughts, and I watch her stand to land a punch to Harris’ shoulder, tucking her injured arm against her body. I wish to fuck it was a real punch to his face, but it wasn't. It was more like a playful, flirty slug that just irritates the shit out of me. I can either stand back here and sulk, or join the party.
I guess it's time I start to play the game. I don't lose. I want her, and I will make her see that we’re going to be great together. She's just not in the right mindset to focus on that right now. There are too many emotions at the surface with everything that's going on for her to think about anything except going home.
They finally call our flight to begin boarding, and I stand quickly to grab my carry-on bag, picking up hers as I do. She takes it from me and throws it over her good shoulder with a quiet ‘thanks’ before walking to the line of people ready to board. I fall in behind them all and wait patiently for my chance to spend hours next to her.
This will be a chance to talk to her about real life. I want to know everything about her, and today is where that journey continues.
An elderly couple steps near me, and I use my hand to let them go in front of me. There's no hurry to board a plane that has assigned seats. My bag fits below the one in front of me, so I'm not in any rush.
They fumble with their boarding passes before we finally move through the doors and I cross over from solid concrete to the temporary walkway leading up to the airplane, welcoming the shift of my environment. This is another step of many with her, and I let the smile grace my face with the anticipation of what's to come.
Stepping onto the crowded airplane, I quickly see Harris leaning over Jade. I watch JJ stand and cut the line of passengers off as he crosses into the other row of seats. He sits in what should be Harris’ seat, and my anger instantly boils to the surface. That motherfucker needs to be taught a damn lesson in survival. Rule number one…. Don't fuck with my woman. Rule number two… Don't fuck with me.
The smile on my face has been replaced with hatred as I watch him have her move to the window seat. He takes the middle, and I begin to plan where I’ll stab this asshole first. “Fucking dick.” I didn't mean to say that out loud, but from the looks I'm getting, apparently I did.
I finally arrive at my fucked-up destination, my eyes focused on Harris. My mind made up that I'll just yank the cocky asshole out of the seat next to her and sit there myself. It's as simple as that. The fight won't disrupt the flight, and I don't give a fuck what anyone has to say about me if it does. He's not taking away the hours I plan to sit with her. No fucking way.
Holy shit, he's pissed. I can see him coming behind all the passengers down the center of the plane. How could I miss him? He's the big one with all the tattoos and bulging muscles that barely fit through the aisle. He's the one sending bullets through Harris before he even gets near.
At the risk of being in a fucking war zone, I tell Harris to switch me seats. He hasn't noticed Kaleb’s face yet, so I know he's oblivious to what he's doing. I've been very careful about what Harris knows and thinks when it comes to Kaleb Maverick. He doesn't need to know Maverick single-handedly gave me the best fucks I've ever had. That even with the slight introduction to Harris’ dick, I can tell there's no comparison. I also know I'd never let Harris treat me like Kaleb has. His domineering attitude is obnoxious, yet downright fucking sweltering to my core at the same time. I'd beat Harris across his fucking head if he tried half the shit Kaleb has done to me.
“I’d feel better having you in the middle, Elliott. You’ll have more room to move your sore arm around if you do.” Kaleb glares at both Harris and I. Shit, if looks could kill, we’d both be dead. Move my arm around, my goddamn ass. This is his way of staking his claim.
I’m not about to argue on an airplane full of people, so I switch with Harris. Simple as that. Screw it. I’m going to fall asleep, so he can huff, piss, and moan his arrogant ass to himself.
This flight will be interesting with these two sandwiching me in, that’s for damn sure. Harris is bound to tease me like he always does, and Kaleb is going to get pissed about the banter between Harris and I. It's destined to be a horrible flight. The lack of oxygen is already overridden from fumes of testosterone. Someone knock me out now, please.
Harris and I struggle to switch seats, and I feel Kaleb staring at us. He's been in the aisle waiting for the switch, allowing us room to prevent bumping my sore arm. I appreciate his impatient patience, but he's going to have to chill.
We’re finally settled just before Kaleb sits in the seat on my right. Both guys are wide in the shoulders, so I'm glad I halfway like them both, because they’re taking up more than their own space.
We’re all quiet as the rest of the passengers finish boarding, but I can feel the tension on my right. There's no doubt Kaleb could fuck something up right now, or in my case, fuck something hard.