Page 45 of Ice
“Go, Steele. Get him the fuck out of here.” Kaleb’s voice crushes my heart.
“No,”I argue, only to have them talk over me.
“We have to go now. We’ll all die if we don’t get the fuck out of here.” The forcefulness of Steele’s voice is cold, and I’m instantly pissed. I take out the three men holding Kaleb down, missing him every single time, only to have more grab him. We lift off the ground, and my heart falls out of my chest, smashing all over the ground below. I can’t fucking feel. I can’t breathe, and panic begins to flood through my veins. We’re leaving him. I can’t. I love him. I can’t breathe. I’m dying inside. They’ll kill him.
I work hard to keep my focus on Kaleb for as long as my scope will allow and watch him move his head. He’s alive. I send off one last shot and kill the fucker holding the knife near Kaleb’s face before I’m no longer able to see him.
There’s so much fire in the air and a few hit the chopper, but don’t disable us. I stand quickly and move my rifle to the side of Steele’s head and hold it point blank. “Go the fuck back, right now, or I’ll blow your goddamn head off.”
“I can’t. We have to get Al-Quaren to the States.” I feel a firm grip on my shoulders and a familiar voice in my ear.
“Elliott. We had to move. We were all going down if we didn’t.”
“Harris. I can’t leave him. Make them go back now.” Tears fill my eyes as I try to talk around the giant lump in my throat. I can’t breathe and only lower the rifle when Harris guides it out of my hands. I fall to my knees and cry as I hear Kaleb for a second in my ear. His guttural sounds almost kill me as I hear him hurting. I wish he would say something to me.
“Fire. Talk to me.” I listen for him to respond.
“Ti amo, ghiaccio.” I have no idea what he’s saying.
“I’m coming back for you. I promise. Stay alive. I need you.” I listen for more and only hear Spanish coming through.
“Cierra la boca. Yo te torturo tan lentamente. Te deseo que ya estaban muertos.” I don’t waste time asking Harris to translate. I want Kaleb to hear me as long as he can.
“Please fight for me. Don’t let them break you.” The sound in my ears goes silent, but the sound of my heart fills it.
“Harris, what did he say?”
“He said he loved you in Italian.”
“Oh my god. Please go back. Please, please, please fucking go back for him, Steele.”
“Ice. We will. I just need to deliver him, then we’re coming back.”
“NO. NO. NO. NO. We’re fucking coming back tonight. Drop me, Steele. I can’t leave him.” I don’t recognize my own voice.
“You’re not going in alone. We need to regroup and get our shit together. We don’t operate like that.”
“Fuck how you operate. If you leave a man behind, then I want no fucking part of this team.” I reach for the cable that drops us, in hopes of getting it loose before someone has a chance to stop me, but I fail. Harris is standing too close and pulls me into his arms, holding me tight, and I want to kill him right here for stopping me from jumping.
“Harris, let me go. I swear to God, I’ll kill you.” I pull out my pistol and set it on his temple.