Page 109 of Biker In My Bed
Mya Taylor woke slowly, gradually becoming aware of her surroundings. That was nearly overshadowed by the way her head was hurting. Not as if she’d simply gotten drunk, but more. Much more. As she focused on the discomfort, the ache swelled into a deeper throb that threatened to roil her stomach.
To test the extent of the pain, she tentatively moved her head from side to side.
With a start, Mya realized she’d been feeling warm huffs of air fanning comfortingly across the back of her neck. It was someone’s sleeping breath. She’d been aware of the sensation but not concerned, which was entirely unlike her.
She froze in place before her normal early morning stretch could move her limbs more than a fraction of an inch. Holding her breath, she listened intently. There was no other sound, nothing but the soft rustle of air moving regularly in and out of someone’s lungs. The rest of the house was quiet and still.
Opening her eyes wide, wincing at the sudden stab of pain, Mya darted her gaze around the room, gratefully taking in the familiar walls filled with photos of her extended—and very far away—family.
She was at home, in her own bedroom.
That’s good news.
And someone was sharing her bed.
Less good news.
Mya didn’t bring lovers home. Ever. Not that she had too many of those. Short-term or not. In fact, her last serious relationship had been back in the first years of college, which now seemed a world away.
What’s going on? Who the hell is it?
Fear made her pounding head swim, and she struggled to keep her breathing under control. She won the fight, but just barely.
Do. Not. Panic.
No matter what she told herself, the rapid thudding of her heart rattling her ribcage shared the true story. But panic wouldn’t help things. It never did. No matter how hard her body fought to leap away, she needed to stay calm. Pulling a slow breath in, she dialed in on what she could see and feel.
Okay. What we’re going to do now is assess, then address, and deescalate if necessary. Slow and steady. Step by step.
Getting her head into work mode helped considerably. As her breaths came a little more freely, she turned her attention to everything she could know without disturbing her company.
The heavy weight of a massive arm lay draped across her body. Without moving her head, she could just make out a tattooed elbow hinged to fit snuggly around her ribs.
Lower, there was a heated touch against her skin, which she thought was a hand where her waist met the mattress, effectively trapping her against what felt like a long, strong body.
Muscled, tattooed, and physically substantial.
More warm flesh pressed firmly against her back, from the base of her neck to the top of her buttocks, and a slow, guarded glance down her length showed her torso clad in bra and panties. The mattress was hot underneath her, but the room air cool on her exposed legs, sheets having been kicked away.
Continuing to carefully modulate her breathing, Mya wrung every cell of her brain, trying to remember what events had led her to being in this position. She came up with little at first, and, with a growing sense of returning panic, attempted to dig deeper.
She remembered smirking at her best friend as the bouncer called them out of the raucous crowd lined up and impatiently waiting to enter the club. She and Karen had sauntered inside with little flirty twitches of their hips, walk-dancing to the beat that escaped from the now-opened front doors. They weren’t frequent fliers at the club but came often enough that they were both comfortable here.
The club had been busy, which meant Mya and Karen had to wait in line for their first drinks, still dancing in place before finally reaching the head of the queue and ordering two cocktails each so they wouldn’t have to come back as soon. Afterward, there’d been some slightly awkward dancing, with both hands full of sloshing ice and liquid, so Mya had quickly downed the first drink. She clearly remembered more dancing and finishing the second drink, then begging off more alcohol.
I wasn’t drunk. Couldn’t have been. Not nearly. Not off two watered-down cocktails.
Mya had just wanted to dance.
Later, a sweaty Karen brought her a bottle of water. Upon inspection, it had been still sealed, so Mya hadn’t hesitated to open and upend it. Safety first, always. She’d drained the bottle in seconds. Like Karen, her clothes and hair were nearly drenched with salty liquid from her exertions.