Page 117 of Biker In My Bed
Damn. Can’t.
Sorry. I’ve been looped into something here.
Unless you wouldn’t mind changing plans?
Ever been on a bike?
Mya quickly typed out her response, holding her breath as she sent it.
Never. But I’m game. What do I need to wear?
Kade’s return text was fast.
Protective boots if you have them. Something sturdy at least. Jeans and a jacket. The wind gets chilly. I’ll snag a helmet for you. Pick you up at home in 30?
Mya mentally ran through her wardrobe selections and sighed with relief. Her hiking boots would do, and since even here on the West Coast it got cold in the winter, she had a plethora of jackets.
Sounds great. I can’t wait. You’ll teach me what I need to know, right?
She smiled as his response came back just as fast.
You betcha. I’ll take care with you.
Take care with me, not of me.
See you soon.
“You’ve completely forgotten I’m here, haven’t you?” Law’s dry laugh brought her back to herself with a start. “Don’t answer. I can see it in your face. Hot date, huh? That’s why you were texting and glad of it?”
“It’s Kade.” She kept her face as impassive as possible, then broke, sharing a wide smile with him. “I’m going on a ride on his bike.”
Lawrence knew all about Kade. Both past-Kade, the lost love of her life, and present-Kade, her found-again friend. She’d spent hours self-analyzing in discussion with Law, even as he’d picked apart his own past, both of them wrapped up in small-town challenges.
“Go get him, girlie.” Law stood and clapped his hands, then made a shooing motion at her. “Get out of here, Mya. You have places to be. Charting can wait until Monday.”
“It really can.” She saved the patient notes she’d been working on, then efficiently closed out all the programs, setting the computer to backup, and then automatically shut down. “I’ve got a ride to ready for.”
“Be safe, be smart, and above all—” Law leaned forward slightly as he finished. “—be hella brave.”
“I will.” She pulled in a deep breath. “I haven’t asked him anything about what happened with us back home yet. We’ve just covered the bare basics. But unlike way back when we were in high school, the vibes he’s giving me now aren’t mixed at all. Unless I’m reading him wrong.”
“Girl, you haven’t gone to school half your life to get things like this wrong. With the training we both have, it’s really best to trust our guts. What is your belly telling you about Kade?” One corner of his mouth tipped up as if he already knew her answer.
“That he missed me. That maybe missing me woke him up to other possibilities.” She shook her head. “But he took the football guy to the prom, Law.”
“And bisexuality is a thing, Mya.” Law mock glared at her. “As is gay, straight, and every other letter on the rainbow. Don’t erase bi-ness. That’s not a good look for anyone.”
“But I don’t know if he’s bi.”
“And you don’t know that he’s gay, either. As a teen, you assumed because of behavior, without asking for the facts. You know better methods now, and I vote you get the information straight from the horse’s mouth, honey. Who, what, where, when, and why, just like we both learned long ago. Just the facts, ma’am.”
“I know. But?—”
“But nothing. Ask him. What’s the worst? Isn’t that what we tell our patients to do? Use your words, Mya. It’s the only way you’ll know the truth. And now go on. Get outta here. You’re gonna be late.”
Law ushered her out of the room, clicking the door shut behind them. He grabbed his case from his office, closing that door as well, then setting the alarm as they exited. Together, they walked down to where their cars were parked in side-by-side reserved spaces. When Law placed his hand on her arm, she stopped and looked up at him.
“Be safe, be smart?—”