Page 125 of Biker In My Bed
Well, I’m in his bed now. But I think it still counts.
“You awake?” The rumble of his question came from beside her ear, and Mya turned her head to look at him.
“I am. How’d you sleep?” Her eyes dipped shut as his mouth dropped to hers, cutting off any additional conversation. Even closed-mouthed, the connection between them buzzed and vibrated, the soft sighs he hummed against her lips an adorable addition.
“Like a baby. Somethin’ about you makes it all good.” He pushed up on an elbow and tugged at her waist, turning her to face him. “How’d you sleep? Strange bed and all. Did you sleep okay?”
“Very well. Best in a while.” Since I last woke in your arms, she thought but didn’t voice. “I woke just a minute ago.” Tracing down the ridge of his nose with a fingertip, she let her touch linger on his lips, smiling when he pressed a kiss to them. “Do you have coffee?”
“Not on me, no.” Tongue trapped between his teeth, he grinned at her. “But in the kitchen, yes. I’ll make a pot in a minute.”
“Make a pot? You don’t have one of the pod machines? How very caveman of you.”
“I drink too much coffee to make one of those worth it.” He bent and nuzzled along the side of her neck, lips working her skin. “I like wakin’ up like this, Mya.”
“Me too.” Caught up in a wave of emotion, she blurted, “I’d do nearly anything to have this with you all the time.”
“Well, good for you, I’m not charging any kind of admittance. See—” His mouth trailed along her collarbone, teeth gently nipping. “I’m kinda in the same place, honey. Want you here, or wanna be in your place.”
“Dogs are here,” she muttered, arching her neck, hoping to get more caresses.
“That they are.” His lips moved against her throat, and she knew he was smiling. “Are you sayin’ you’d come here just to be with my dogs?”
“Well, you’re a package deal, right?” Twisting her fingers in his hair, she pulled until he lifted his head and looked at her. She’d been right: he was grinning widely. “Don’t look so smug. Bo’s a good boy.”
“Just love me for my dogs,” he whispered, tone regretful. “Hurts me right in the feels.”
“No, Kade. I love you for you. Bo’s a plus.”
“Say it again.” His voice dropped an octave, gaze fixed on her face, his eyes intense. “Say it again, Mya.”
“I love you.”
Kade wrapped his arms around her and fell to his side, pulling Mya with him as he rolled until she was sprawled out on his chest. “Will never, ever get tired of you sayin’ that, baby. Not ever.” He cradled her head, fingers threading into her hair on each side as he pinned her in place. His chest was heaving hard, each indrawn breath lifting her as they stared at each other. “Love you so fuckin’ much, Mya. Fuckin’ love you.”
“And you forgive me?” When his brows scrunched together, she elaborated, “For making us waste so much time?”
“Oh, baby.” He pulled her down for another kiss, this one deeper, renewing until he broke it off and glided his mouth to her ear. “Like I said, I think this is meant to be our time. Neither of us were ready before. Now, though? We’re in it to win it, baby.”
“I’m so glad you didn’t give up on me.” When he scowled and opened his mouth, she cut him off with a finger across his lips. “And that’s all I’ll say on the topic. I get what you’re saying, and just knowing how I’ve grown and changed since we were in school, I think you’re right. But I can still be grateful for life bringing us back together when we were both in the right space to be here.”
“Even if it took a wreck to get us back on track?” He nipped at her finger, grinning when she pulled in a startled breath. Mya pressed her pelvis downwards, feeling his cock slowly uncoiling at her hip. “Don’t answer that.” He rolled them again, legs slotting deftly between her thighs. “I’ve got other ideas for the next little bit.”
“I like your ideas.” Mya arched up against him, relishing how the firm planes of his chest molded her breasts. “You’re a genius, my friend.”
“Lemme show you just how much of a genius I can be.”
For the next hour, he did just that, until she was sated, sweaty, and shaking, slowly recovering in his arms.
Pulling into the clubhouse’s parking lot, Kade scanned the cars and trucks, smiling when he saw Mya’s parked close to the front. He angled around the building to where members parked their bikes and backed into the space reserved for him.
Before he was even off the bike, he caught the crunching of gravel and looked to the side in time to see Mya running around the corner and straight towards him. Barely getting the helmet off before she landed in his arms, he dangled it from the handlebars as he lifted her, placing her crosswise on the tank. Mya’s arms went around his neck, and she tugged him in for a kiss, her mouth demanding as it met his.
“Hey, baby,” he whispered when they finally broke apart, breathing ragged. “Miss me?”