Page 132 of Biker In My Bed
“We’ve barely gotten settled in.”
“And? It’s Vegas, Charlie. The city that never sleeps. Go put on your dress.”
I laugh incredulously. “This is a dress? It’s barely enough fabric to cover a Barbie doll!” Frankly, I don’t think it would even cover that.
Minny rolls her eyes at me. “Trust me, it’ll look amazing on you. Now hurry up and change… we’re going out.”
I sigh in resignation and head toward the bathroom to change. Undressing, my eyes stay glued to the floor, unable to look at myself in the large bathroom mirror.
As I slip into the dress, years of Terrance’s words swirl in my mind. He had specific ideas of what his wife’s body should look like. He hated my soft curves and the roundness of my belly and hips. The only thing he didn’t hate was the fullness of my breasts. It takes every ounce of strength I have to force my gaze upward.
I gasp when I see myself. The black fabric of the mini dress hugs me tightly. The hemline hits midthigh. I spin on my heels, peering over my shoulder to see it from the back. The dress accentuates my curvy body. With my hair back to my natural color instead of the bottle blonde Terrance had insisted on, the dress’ color makes my blue eyes more dramatic. For the first time in a long time, I feel sexy—a sensation that has been buried under years of Terrance tearing down my self-esteem.
Minny strides into the bathroom wearing a red dress that hugs her hourglass figure in all the right places. With a pair of matching red heels on her feet and a second pair in her hand, she gives them to me. I strap them on, testing out my balance. It takes a bit to get used to them, but I find my footing quickly. She clucks her tongue in approval at the sight of me. “There she is! Our Vegas bombshell!”
I laugh, feeling butterflies fluttering in my stomach. The thought of hitting the town in this dress is both exhilarating and terrifying. “I don’t know if I can do this.”
She sets a hand on my shoulder. “You can and you will. We’re going to have the time of our lives. Leave Terrance and his issues behind, okay? This is about you and me and having fun.”
I nod, determination setting in. “You’re right. This is our weekend, and we’re going to rock it.”
We head out of the room and into the elevator. The doors open, and we step out onto the casino floor. The noise is deafening, and the flashing lights are dizzying. People of all shapes and sizes swarm around us, laughter and excitement filling the air. It’s overwhelming, and I clutch Minny’s hand for support.
She glances at me and squeezes my hand. “Ready to take on Vegas?”
I take a deep breath and nod. “Let’s do this.”
“Come on, let’s try our luck!” she says, grinning widely.
I follow her to a roulette table, watching her place her bets. I take a deep breath and place a bet of my own. The ball spins around the wheel, and my heart races as it slows, coming to a stop on my number.
I’ve won.
Minny and I scream in excitement, hugging each other tightly. And that’s how our night starts with laughter, cheering, and the promise of even more fun to come. But as the night goes on, I feel a nagging sense of guilt creeping up on me. Terrance would never approve of any of this. Not the dress. Not my enjoyment.
“Stop thinking about him, Charlie,” Minny mutters beside me.
“How did you know?”
“You get this look on your face.”
“I can’t help it.”
“Yes, you can,” she reassures me. “He’s not your problem anymore. You have every opportunity at your fingertips now. Use them. Have fun, for goodness’ sake, and forget about his abusive ass.”
I nod, taking a deep breath and trying to push the guilt aside. Minny is right. I’m in Vegas, the city of sin. It’s time to let loose and forget about everything else. We dance, drink, and flirt with a few cute guys. It’s the most fun I’ve had in years, and I feel like a new woman.
“Let’s go dancing.” Minny grins at me mischievously. “One of the servers told me about a club here. Sounds swanky. You in?”
I hesitate for a moment, but the thrill of the unknown overpowers my fear. “Let’s do it.”
Minny takes me by the hand, leading me toward the casino’s exit. We walk and walk. The heels she’d given me dig into the soles of my feet.
There’s a line a mile long when we make it to the club. Minny takes one look at it and drags me down the VIP line.
“Name?” the bouncer with a clipboard in his hands at the front of the line asks.
“I’m going to be straight with you, handsome. Our names aren’t on that list, but my girl here just got out of a bitch of a relationship and is in dire need of some fun.” She leans in closer. Her voice barely over a whisper. “Abusive asshole.”