Page 14 of Biker In My Bed
It felt like I had known him forever, and being in his bed was like coming home.
This felt like where I belonged, and I wasn’t going to leave as long as he wanted me here.
“I gotta run to the bar.”
Tara groaned and burrowed under the covers. “It’s too early.”
“It’s half past eleven, baby,” I chuckled. “I got a delivery coming in, and I told Angela I would take care of it.” I had rolled out of bed a few minutes ago, hit the bathroom, and now I knew I needed to get to the bar.
“Why are you so responsible? It’s Sunday morning. We’re supposed to sleep all day and do nothing but each other.”
“Is that what you normally do on Sundays?” I asked.
“Everything but the last part,” she giggled.
It had been a week since I had taken Tara on my kitchen counter, and we had been hopping from each other’s houses since. We hadn’t been able to keep our hands off of each other when we were close, and I didn’t see that changing anytime soon.
“Come with me to the bar to put away the delivery, and then we can come back to bed.”
She peeked her head out from under the covers. “Can I eat fried pickles while you put stuff away?” she asked.
A smirk spread across my lips. “Part of me wonders if you’re just with me for the free fried pickles.”
She shrugged and closed her eyes. “I mean, it’s a perk, but I’m also with you for your bombass dick.” She held her hand up with her thumb and pointer finger in a circle. “Prime A dick you have, Red.”
“You’re a goofball, Tara.” I grabbed the blanket and tossed it on the floor. “You got five minutes to get up and be on my bike.”
“Five minutes,” she moaned. “You’re insane. Extremely hot, but totally insane.” She held her hands in the air. “You have a naked woman in your bed, ready and willing to do whatever you want, and instead, you want to go to work. Insane!” she shouted.
I grabbed her hand and yanked her up. “Who says you won’t be ready and willing on top of the bar?” I growled.
“Red,” she gasped. “You dirty man, you.”
I pressed a hot, deep kiss to her lips. “Don’t act shocked, baby. You like me dirty.”
She trailed her fingers down my cheek and smiled. “As long as I’m the only one who gets you dirty.” She cocked her eyebrow. “That sounded better inside my head.”
I shook my head and stepped back. “Goofball. Get ready.”
She pouted out her bottom lip. “Can I at least have ten minutes? I’m going to need coffee and possibly a cold shower to get going. We were up pretty late last night and early this morning.”
“Take a shower, and I’ll get the coffee going.”
“Care to join me?” she asked coyly.
I held up my hands and backed out of my room. “Nine minutes,” I warned. It took all of my willpower to walk out of that room, but I knew I needed to get to the bar before the noon beer delivery.
The bar wasn’t open on Sundays, and that was when the big beer delivery came in. Angela normally took care of it, but she asked me to cover for her. I didn’t ask her why, but I knew she wouldn’t have asked me to cover for her unless she really needed the day off.
“Fried pickles and a cheeseburger,” Tara called. “You owe me both for making me work on the day of rest and sex.”
I laughed and jogged down the stairs.
We would get back to the day of rest and sex as soon as we put away a shit ton of beer and restocked the bar.