Page 162 of Biker In My Bed
I’m beyond fuckin’ nervous now that we are in the cabin. As much as I want to grab Lucy and fuck her ’til we both pass out, I need to take the time to explain why I’m going to take the chance with getting the USB drives and notebooks to Enforcer of the Intruders. I need to make peace with my past so I can have a last chance at love in my present and future with Lucy.
Watching my woman’s face, looking around with wonder in her eyes, I can’t stop looking at her. She’s everything I could have dreamed up with a heart of gold. She’s never looked down at me or with disgust in her face. I know the sweet butts have talked about how I came to the Grimm Wolves club, so she has to have heard a bit of my past. Not to mention Chains almost killed me two, no, three times when I first got here. He was working me to get as much information as possible out of me before I died. And those were his words not mine. That maniac is totally nuts.
I place our bags in the bedroom off the great room then walk to the fridge, grabbing two bottles of water. Walking to the sectional, I sit on one end in the corner and try to wait patiently for her to take a seat. Now that I have my mind set, need to get this done. I can only pray she doesn’t get freaked and takes off, never wanting to see me again.
Lucy comes and sit directly next to me, facing me, then grabs a bottle of water, putting it between her crossed legs, then puts her hands in her lap. She waits for me to start. So I jump right in.
“Lucy, let me get through this then you can ask any questions you want. I want to start with, never did I think I’d get so low in my life to be such an asshole to a woman I had feelings for. It just goes to show ya that money, booze, and drugs can change a person. And I’m not using that as an excuse. I let the ideology of the Thunder Cloud Knuckle Brotherhood steer me way off left. I grew up poor and had shit for anyone who cared for me. When Raquel was thrown in my face, I thought of it as a job until I spent time with her and Teddy. My God, they were so pure and they wrapped their goodness all around me. I almost let shit go and jumped into their world of peace, love, and whatever else she was involved in. I was torn, so started drinking then smoking some weed. When I hit the crack, knew I was heading for hell. Then the brotherhood must have sensed my weakness because they had me doing jobs, I never thought I would. When Raquel started to really worry and called me on being a jerk, I blew her off. I hit rock bottom when I raised hands to her. I know, Lucy, got no excuse. And besides that, I treated lil’ Teddy like shit. I can never take it back, and you’ll be the only one who knows this besides Brick, but I have started an account for Teddy for college, a house, or whatever the fuck he wants to do with it. The only way he’ll know about it is if I’m dead, then Brick will deliver it to him. I’m trying to make amends, truly I am. When Tank traded me for Presley, thought Chains was gonna put me to ground. Think he thought that too. Three times he almost did, but then for some reason the Grimm Wolves brothers gave me a chance, and since that moment I’ve tried to prove to each and every one of them that I can be a good brother. When I got shot it opened their eyes that I was trying really hard to overcome my past.
“Then I heard all the bullshit and trouble the Thunder Cloud Knuckle Brotherhood assholes have been causing for the Devil’s Handmaidens and Intruders clubs. That’s when I got the idea to try and help them with trying to take down the brotherhood. I was with them for quite a while and know things about each brother and what and who they are involved with. When I spoke to Fury and Brick, they thought it was an excellent idea so that’s when I started to write shit down that I could remember. Then Karma walked me through how to use the USB memory stick. He gave me one of his old laptops and I’ve been going to town since. I know where the brotherhood hides some of its money, so been doing some spying and keeping records of everything. I never told anyone up in Montana what I was doing. Between the two of us, was gonna let either Karma or Brick take credit for it. I just want to make life better for Raquel and Teddy. I owe them that. When shit went down with Vixen and Ironside, that’s when I knew had to do something besides hiding out here with the Grimm Wolves. That organization of racist assholes is causing havoc all over Montana. They need to be taken down so I’m gonna do my part. So what does that mean for you and Atlas? Brick told me that what they are gonna do is hand off the information to Tink and Tank. No names or where the info came from will be divulged. Still, Lucy, I worry because I won’t be able to live with myself if I cause another woman and child pain because of my stupidity with the brotherhood. So no, don’t say a word. I’m gonna take a walk up to Fury and Abby’s and give you some time to think about your options. I’m not pushing you away at all, woman, for Christ’s sake don’t even think it. I wanna be with ya, spend time with ya, and definitely fuck ya, but this is me trying to be a better man. Stitch and I had a long talk and he said something that stuck with me. Something about when we leave this earth the only thing that matters is what we leave behind. Not money or material things but how people will remember us. I want to be remembered as a good man, who instead of bullying people helped them. That’s why I’m doing this. So before I go, Lucy, give me a hug, please. Whatever you decide, I’ll honor it, because I know you’ll have Atlas’s best interest at heart. No, don’t give me that look please, this is hard enough.”
I reach over, grabbing her in my arms and holding on tightly for a few minutes. Then I let her go, stand up, and walk right out of the cabin and keep walking until I can see Fury’s garage in the distance. Shit, didn’t realize it was so far away, probably over a couple of miles, but I need to move so my thoughts don’t take over. If I lose Lucy, that’s it, got nothing else in my life worthwhile. Since she brought Atlas into my life I’ve never been happier. That’s why I knew it was time to make amends, so I could finally get on with my life.
So stuck in my head, I almost shit myself when someone clears their throat off to the left of me. Lifting my head I see Fury watching me. Our VP always seems to be able to read each situation for what it is. I walk over to him and without me saying a word, he puts me at ease.
“Slick, if she’s worth anything she’ll back you and your decision to clear your conscience. If not, then you move on, no matter how much it hurts. Life isn’t always about getting what you want, but doing what needs to be done. Come on, let’s get a cup of coffee, and if we’re lucky, the hellions left some of Abby’s cinnamon rolls before they left for school.”
As we make our way to Fury’s huge mansion, I realize how truly lucky I am. This club took me in when I wasn’t worth anything, as I didn’t even love myself, let alone anyone else in my life. I can admit it now. I’ve come a ways and even though I’m a work in progress, finally I’m on the right road. Redemption is never easy. And if my prize is a lifetime with Lucy and Atlas then anything I have to do is worth it.
Not sure how long I sit on this sectional staring out into the room, my mind running through everything Cletus told me about his past. My God, I never imagined it would be something like what he told me. My worst thought was that he was a horrible dad, maybe abandoned his woman and kids. To hear he raised his hand at a woman and threatened a young autistic boy hurts my heart. I get the addiction part, as most of the people I’ve known have had some type of problem with alcohol or drugs. What stood out to me is, with everything he shared, Cletus didn’t blame it on his addictions at all. He said it was his weakness and the promise of money and power.
Being who I am, neither of those ever impressed me. The most important thing to me is my kid and nothing else even compares. Well, until Clet came into my life, giving me the illusion of feeling safe, and now he drops this damn bomb. The longer I sit here in the quiet, my mind is running in all directions. Shit, please don’t tell me I chose the wrong guy again. I was so careful this round, took my time. Even though I am so physically attracted to Clet, I didn’t just jump right into bed with him. And my reasoning is because once I sleep with a man I tend to fall head over heels in love. Something about being intimate, so I set the pace with him. And Clet went along with it. Damn, I’m a fool yet again.
I jump clear off the sectional when someone knocks at the door. It freaks me the hell out. I stand and walk to the door but put the chain on before slowly opening it. I’m shocked when I see both Abby and Winnie standing on the porch. What the heck is going on?
“Hey, Lucy, didn’t mean to intrude. We were on our way to the grocery store, wanted to know if you guys needed anything.”
I look between Abby and Winnie before I shut the door, remove the chain, and open the door, motioning for them to come on in. I mean, it’s Abby’s cabin anyway.
“Thanks for stopping but not sure how long I’ll be staying, so probably going to pass.”
I can feel my emotions getting the better of me and won’t be able to stop them if I try. My eyes well up and the tears roll down my cheeks. Winnie looks at Abby, worry on her face as Fury’s ol’ lady stares at me for a long time, not saying a word.
“Are those for that dick, Slick? What did he do, Lucy? Tell me and I’ll personally put the call out to the Grimm Wolves. I told him when he came here from Montana to watch himself. Obviously, he didn’t listen. Come on, let’s sit, you can fill us both in.”
These are the ol’ ladies of Fury and Chains, so not sure if I want to share any of my business with the hierarchy of Slick’s club. Damn it, no matter how hard I try to avoid drama I’m right dab in the middle of it. I’m a stripper, who cleans the club, while these two women have businesses that they work and manage. Not that either of them has ever treated me like I was beneath them, but for fuck’s sake, why are they here? And leave it to my mouth to just blurt that out.
“Why are you two here? Did Cletus ask you to come and check on me? I’m good, honestly, so no need to make small talk, just need a minute or two to think. I need quiet, so thanks again. Enjoy your day.”
When I’m finished, I go to close the door, almost taking a deep breath when the door abruptly stops. First Winnie then Abby walk in and sit on the sectional, leaning back, not saying one word. Son of a gun, can’t catch a break.
“Would either of you want something to drink?”
Winnie shakes her head, not saying anything. Abby smirks then gives it to me.
“Lucy, don’t worry about us. You do what you have to, ignore the two of us. We’re here in case you need a few friends.”
My head jerks up at that. We’re friends, really? I glance up at Abby, who has an eyebrow raised with a look on her face, and I decide at that moment these are my new friends. I walk into the kitchen, grab a bottle of water, then head back into the huge great room. The fireplace is roaring so I move to the ottoman right in front of it and sit down.
Trying to ignore the two women sitting with me, it takes maybe three to four minutes for my mind to shut down. My head is full of all the shit Cletus just shared. How can someone show you one side of them, but also hide the other side from you. Just as that thought floats through my mind I hear Winnie’s soft musical voice behind me.