Page 169 of Biker In My Bed
I reach into my pocket and pull out my phone to let Potts know that I’m leaving and I’ll be tied up for a few days. I won’t know when he responds because I’m hyper focused on Hadlee and getting her in a bed where we can get lost for a few days. I’m just getting started with my girl.
My girl. I guess I’ve somehow always known she’d be mine. Staying away from her before this was only possible because I’ve been gone. Circumstances forced me to leave and there were only two things I regretted leaving behind. Hadlee and Emma. Maybe I should’ve come back for both of them… but things haven’t always been easy. I didn’t need the two most important people in my life being held against me before I was mature enough to handle taking care of them both in my new world.
I’m almost in a position where I could take them with me and know they’d be protected. Almost.
I toss her jeans toward her and stand between her and the parking lot, cutting off the show. The guys understand when you’re invited to watch and when you need to get fucking lost. Truly that show was meant for Brady. I had no idea they were something in the past before tonight. I’ll be asking her questions and making him understand just how in the past all of that was. Her future will be surrounded by me, just as it always should’ve been. There’s not room for two Knights in it.
His energy fills the room immediately. I didn’t ask him why he didn’t need my address on the way over. The old Slade kept tabs on us… it doesn’t surprise me that he obviously checked in on us while he was gone.
The door slams behind him as he follows me to my bedroom. We both know that what happened in the parking lot of Bud’s Bar is just the beginning of this night. I’m honestly sad that we never allowed the chemistry between us to be a thing before now.
I rush to clean the tissues and remnants of my pathetic days of sadness. He gives me the time, not judging me, out loud anyway. I’m sure he will be quizzing me about things once we resurface from the haze of fucking each other senseless.
He moves against my backside as soon as the final tissue is swept from the nightstand. His grip on my hip steadies me in place so that he can move my hair to the side and sprinkle soft kisses on my neck. His touch is slow and gentle as opposed to the way he was handling me before.
I don’t have the time to decide which I like better before he fully consumes my every thought. He unsnaps my jeans and slides his hand down the front of my pants. His firm hold on me allows me to melt against his chest. With my head tilted back and my eyes closed, I let him take me straight into my release without a single hesitation from either of us.
“That’s it, Baby. Cum all over me.” Hearing him call me Baby does something to me. He has always called me Hads. Other people used Haddie or my full name but he was the exception. Now he’s solidifying just how much of an exception he will be in my life.
I let him drive me over the cliff until I’m quivering at the touch of his finger against my clit. I have to pull his hand away before I lose my ability to freaking stand. He’s relentless and pushes his hand right back in position to do it all over again. By the time I’ve been through that twice, I’m starting to tremble. He turns me to face him and kisses me, taking his time to show how much he appreciates me. Slade is so different than any other guy I’ve been with and that I imagined he would be. His rhythm and energy seem to shift between wanting to make it last as long as possible and wanting to go at it as fast and furious as we did at the parking lot. I get it. I feel the same. I want this feeling to last forever.
We have sex for hours in the bed and then again in the shower. The sun comes up and we stumble into the kitchen to find some food, only to start all over again.
Once we’ve exhausted ourselves to the point of needing to sleep, he wraps his arms around me and cuddles against my back. This is when the moment of regret and dread hits me. Emma is my best friend and the one person in my life that I cannot lose.
“Do you think Emma is going to hate me.”
“Shhh. It’s just the two of us when we’re like this.” I think about what he’s saying and truly want to just let it go but my mind won’t let me.
“I can’t have her hating me.”
“She could never hate you. Just see what happens and give it time.” He kisses my shoulder before laying back on the bed to pass out. I worry about twenty minutes before I give in to the exhaustion myself.
* * *
“Are you both kidding me? Jesus, Slade… cover up.” I sit up quickly to the sound of Emma’s voice in the doorway of my bedroom.
“Let me grab some clothes. I’ll be right out.” She looks over the top of the orange juice and coffee cups in her hands before she turns to leave the room. Slade never moves, so I toss the sheet over his dick once I have my t-shirt and shorts on. Even though it was very tempting… I opt out of taking a moment to appreciate all of Spade’s tattoos that I missed last night.
I enter the living room and turn the knob when I close it as if the noise of closing the door would even budge Slade in his slumber. She hands me an orange juice and a piece of toast before she stands in front of me with her hand on her hip. She’s half a second from tapping her foot impatiently waiting for me to explain myself.
“It just happened…”
“You just fell on his dick?” She interrupts me before I can tell her that I really liked it. That he treated me completely different than any other guy in the past. That his touch will haunt me for the rest of my life.
“I mean. No. It started with him saving me from staring at Brady across the bar. Then it quickly turned into the best sex of my entire life. Em… when I tell you…”
“Stop. Do not tell me how good my brother fucked you. We can’t do that.” I look down at my toast and wait for the rest of her lecture about how I’m the worst friend in the world for going after her brother. How we can never be friends again because she can’t trust me anymore. “But I love to see how thoroughly fucked you look. I can tell you had fun with him.”
I can’t stop the smile on my face when I look up and nod. “I had so much fun.”
“You dirty bitch! You fucked my brother.” Her laughter fills the room and the weight of the world falls from my chest immediately. “I’m actually surprised it took you two this long. I always expected it when we were younger.”
“I truly never thought of him that way until he triggered something in me tonight.” I move to sit on the couch, further away from the possibility of Slade hearing us.