Page 18 of Biker In My Bed
“You can leave, too,” Red called. “Everything is fine here. I’m not going to have a lapse in judgment and ruin the good thing I got going, Angela.”
Angela raised her fist over her head. “Good, good. I’ll lock the door behind me, and I will see you tomorrow. Bye, Tara.”
“Uh, bye,” I called.
She walked out, and I didn’t move until I heard the lock click into place.
My shoulders sagged, and I let out the breath I didn’t realize I had been holding. “Oh my god, Red!” I hollered. “Could that have been more of a train wreck?” I dropped my arms and motioned at my bare breasts. “Yeah, nope. That was the worst it could have been. Your ex and sister just saw me topless.”
I wagged my finger at Red. “Don’t you laugh at me, mister,” I warned. “This is just as much your fault as it is mine. Sure, I jumped you once the delivery guy left, but you could have locked the door just as easily as I could have.”
“Baby,” he called again. He shook his head and stood. He leaned over the bar and gently grabbed me behind the neck. He hauled me close and pressed a hot and deep kiss to my lips.
“I love you, baby,” he whispered when we came up for air.
“Stop it,” I whispered. I was topless and still reeling from Monica and Angela.
He shook his head. “Sorry, baby. I love you. I don’t think the last ten minutes could have been handled any differently. You literally told her to get out with your tits hanging out. Nothing will ever top this moment.”
“This is insane,” I sighed. “You can’t love me. I was going to be the one to say it first.”
Red shook his head. “Sorry, baby. I beat you to the punch.”
“If only you could have beat me to locking the door,” I laughed.
“Just think of the story we’ll have to tell people when we get married.”
I tipped my head to the side. “The one where I was topless sunbathing and locked myself out, or when your ex tried to get with you, and I told her to get out while topless and your sister watched?” My god, life really had done a one-eighty. It was fun and exciting, but damn, it was a whirlwind at the moment.
“Both,” he laughed.
“Red,” I cried. “You were Hottie McBiker, then biker in my bed, and now you’re just biker in love.”
He pressed a kiss to my lips, and his eyes connected with mine. “In love with you, baby. Just you.”