Page 23 of Biker In My Bed
Lacie had planned to come back to Colorado after she graduated, but then all the shit went down with my ex, and I wanted a fresh start. So there I was—back in Texas.
With a grunt, I bent over and unlaced my boots, then tossed them in the closet.
Completely worn out from the day, I flopped unceremoniously on the bed. Arms stretched wide and hanging off the bed, like my feet, I stared at the ceiling. My phone vibrated in my back pocket.
“Jesus. What now?” I lifted my ass to pull it out. It had been buzzing with notifications all afternoon.
Then I stared at the screen and groaned.
“Lacie!” I shouted.
A few seconds later, the door popped open, and my bratty little sister popped her head in. “What? You can get up and use your feet to come see me, you know. It’s not necessary for you to bellow at me like I’m your court jester being summoned.”
“Fix this!” I ground out as I held my phone out. “This shit had been going off all day!”
She huffed and stomped over, then snatched my phone from my hand. She glanced at it and giggled. “Oooo, you have matches.”
“Matches for what? What the hell is that? Ugh! That’s the shit you put on there.” I glowered at her from my sprawl on the undersized bed.
A wicked grin remained on her pretty little face. “It’s the dating app I downloaded for you. Remember?”
“Yes, I do—now. For what?” I shot her an exasperated glare, still not understanding why she’d done that.
“To find you some hookups,” she said matter-of-factly as she gave a shrug of her slender shoulder.
“Hook—” I pressed my lips together and fought for composure. Then, with insincere calm, I asked, “What exactly do you know about ‘hookup’ apps?”
At that, she rolled her eyes. “Please. Max, I’m twenty-two. I’m not a child.”
She only called me Max when she was trying to sound mature or when she wanted something. I squeezed my eyes shut and slammed both hands over my face. “We are not talking about that.”
“You asked,” she flippantly replied.
I dropped my hands to my sides. “And what the hell makes you think I need a damn dating app to find a hookup?”
“Because, brother dear, trust me when I tell you that this is better than picking up trashy chicks in a bar.”
I snorted. “How do you figure? The chicks on there could be the same ‘trashy chicks’ for all you know. And just because a chick goes home with a guy in a bar, it doesn’t make her trashy.”
“Please. I’ve seen some of the women you picked up in bars. You thought you were being sneaky, but I saw plenty. Those were straight up bar flies. There is definitely a difference between a chick at a bar looking for a little fun and what you were bringing home. It’s like you intentionally were trying to get a venereal disease.” She was scrolling through my phone as she spoke.
“I know how to use a goddamn condom, Lacie. And how are we having this conversation? Why are we having it?” I groaned.
She smirked. Then she held out my phone to show me a picture of a pretty redhead. “She’s cute. And she knows how to ride a motorcycle. That could be fun.”
“No.” I’d be damned if my little sister was picking out my hookups.
“Well, scroll through them and see what you find. I was just teasing about the bar stuff. But for real, this is a better way to weed through them. You’ll see. I turned off the notifications so you’ll only see who matched with you if you go into the app.” She playfully slapped my phone to my chest.
With a scowl, I grabbed it.
Her laughter followed her out of the room, and I heard it through the crappy door after she closed it.
For a few minutes I just laid there, vegging. Then curiosity got the better of me. Picking up my phone, I lifted my head to ensure the door was still closed. Then I opened the stupid app.
It didn’t hurt to look.