Page 34 of Biker In My Bed
Once I finished, I followed suit and found him sitting on the couch.
“Waiting on me?” I asked as I finished drying off and got dressed.
“Didn’t know if you were in for the night or if you had things to do.”
“I actually need to run some errands,” I lied.
“Cool. Figured we could walk out together if you were leaving,” he replied with a half-smile.
I gathered my phone and called down to the valet desk to have my car brought around. Then I tucked it in my pocket. “Ready when you are.”
He got to his feet and walked toward the door, which he held open for me. We walked side by side to the elevator. But as soon as the brushed steel doors closed, he spun to face me and back me against the wall. His smoky gaze locked on mine before he dropped his head to brush his lips over mine.
When I sucked in a rapid inhale, his tongue swept through my mouth. I lost track of time until the ding sounded and I heard the doors slide open. Both of us breathless, we broke apart and stared at each other.
For a single heartbeat, I could see myself doing this every day for the rest of my life. That thought in itself was enough to jerk me back to reality. “This is us,” I said after clearing my throat.
“Yeah,” he replied, but he made no move to exit and the doors closed again. “How long are you here for?”
I blinked, at first not understanding what he meant. Then I remembered he was under the impression I didn’t live here.
“I, uh, come and go. I’m doing an internship here on the weekends,” I lied, the falsehoods rolling off my tongue. Not that it mattered, because he never needed to know the truth.
“Message me whenever you’re in town. If you’re down to get together, so am I.”
Brain a little swimming from the fog his kisses created, I nodded. He stepped back and hit the button to slide the doors open.
We exited and made our way to the front of the hotel, where I could see my car waiting.
After I gave my ticket to the valet, Max walked me to the driver’s side, then held the door while I got in. “I’ll see you again,” he promised with a lopsided grin before he closed me inside.
As I drove off, I glanced in my rearview to see he hadn’t moved. He watched me until I turned the corner.
Whoa. What a night.
When I rode off after spending the better part of the night fucking Luna’s brains out, I couldn’t keep the smile off my face. It still lingered when I pulled up to the clubhouse for church.
“Why do you look so fuckin’ cheery?” Truth asked with a smirk as I cut the engine and pulled off my helmet.
“Cheery? Who the fuck are you?” Slice asked Truth before taking a drag on his cigarette. Truth flipped him off, but he simply laughed.
“I thought you quit smoking?” I asked Slice. If I remembered correctly, when I’d been down for their anniversary party last year, he had quit.
“I—” Slice started, but was interrupted by Truth.
“That was yesterday,” Truth chimed in with a snicker.
Slice held the cigarette between his lips, and he lifted both middle fingers. All I could do was shake my head as I grinned.
“Time to head in,” Straight called out from the doorway before heading back inside.
We all filed in after him. Truth and Slice bickered quietly the whole way.