Page 71 of Biker In My Bed
Shoveling food into my mouth, I’m loving this sushi far too fucking much. Honestly, I am making a damn pig of myself, but I have a real show playing out in front of me. Nalani says something, and Park slams his fist on the table, making their glasses wobble.
Stopping my food fest for a brief moment, I wonder if I’m going to have to step in, especially when Nalani bursts into tears. Park throws a napkin, hitting her in the face, and points over his shoulder. She stands, making me sit taller as I place my tuna roll on my plate, subtly watching her make her way to the hall for the bathrooms.
Wiping my bearded face with a napkin, I throw a wad of cash on top of the multiple plates in front of me, then stand and casually make my way into the hall. My eyes watch Park to ensure he’s not looking this way, but he is too busy on his cell. I risk a glance at Jun and Cheng, but they’re still in their meeting and not interested in anything around them.
It’s go time.
I make my way to the ladies’ bathroom and open the door, stepping inside. Nalani is in a stall, crying, and I know I’m going to go right in for the kill. “Nalani?” I call out quietly.
She chokes on sob, sniffling but doesn’t reply.
I continue, “It’s okay. I’m not here to hurt you, but I do need to talk to you. Can you come out?”
Quite a few seconds go by, and I think she won’t come out when finally, Nalani slowly unlocks the stall door, her beautiful face red and blotchy as she peeks through the door at me. “W-who are you?”
“Name’s Hurricane. I’m with Defiance.”
She instantly closes the stall door, closing herself inside the cubical. “You shouldn’t be here. If they find you, they will kill you, Hurricane. You need to leave. Now!”
“Nalani… I saw the way Park was treatin’ you. You know he’s only gonna get worse. Come with me, and I will take you back to your parents. Back to your club. Back home.”
Her crying becomes louder, and she opens the door, dramatically shaking her head. “You don’t understand. It’s not that simp?—”
“It is! We’ll sneak out the back right now. Just you and me. Park and the others won’t know until we’re already on the road.”
She shoves past me, moving to the basin to wash her hands. “He probably already knows you’re in here with me. The only hope you have is for me to leave and for you to stay in here and leave after me. If he sees you anywhere near me, he will kill you. I don’t want that on my conscience.”
I reach out, gently touching her arm. Her head snaps to me like she’s terrified, so I instantly let her go and raise my hands. “Sorry. Look… I dunno how much time we have before Park comes lookin’, but your parents are worried. You gotta come with me.”
Her brow furrows, and she scowls. “You think you’re some white knight coming in here to save me, Hurricane? All you’re doing is putting everyone in danger by being here. I’m not leaving with you, and if you try to force me, I will scream. Park and his family will come in here to kill you.”
Slumping my shoulders, I exhale. “Nalani… think about it this way. It is your chance to get out?—”
“We’re done here.” She goes to walk out of the bathroom, and I reach for her arm to stop her, but she turns back, glaring at me. “Remove your hand from me, or so help me God, I will make sure that Park knows you manhandled me. I swear you have never known wrath like a Ministry man’s.”
I let her go, my heart racing as I stare into her eyes. I see it—there’s hesitation there. She doesn’t believe the words she’s saying. She doesn’t want to leave, but she is so fucking scared she’s choosing to run rather than to fight.
“Nalani, you have a choice to leave right now. Take it.”
Her eyes glisten as she stares at me, and I think for a moment she’s about to break, but then I see the wall pop back up in place harder than ever. Her muscles tense, she clears her throat, and turns for the door. “Make sure you leave a few minutes after me. I don’t want Park to know you leave after I exit. Goodbye, Hurricane,” she states firmly, then opens the bathroom door and walks out.
Gritting my teeth, I run my fingers through my hair in frustration and begin pacing the bathroom floor. “Fuck!” I grunt in annoyance.
I should have been able to do this.
I should have been able to convince her
But she’s fucking scared.
I don’t know how to get through to her.
And now I have to go back to Oahu Defiance empty-handed.
Worse than that, I have to tell them that I’ve failed them.