Page 6 of Over Us, Over You
“I knew the glass on that one was too goddamn thin,” he said. “I’ll send you another one after we fix some other issues.”
“Looking forward to it.”
“I’m sure.” There was a smile in his voice. “I’m not used to you calling me first these days. Is something wrong?”
Everything is wrong. “No.”
“You just called to randomly ask how I was doing?”
“Yeah, I guess.”
An awkward silence stretched over the line, and I knew the longer it took me to get the words out, the more concerned he would be.
“Wait,” I said. “I called because I need to ask you something important.”
“I’m listening.”
“Does your confidante, Greg, still fly down to Seattle at the end of every month for a weekend getaway?”
“Yes, he does. He insists on it since he claims I’m a demanding boss. Why?”
“Well, um,” I said, my voice cracking. “I was wondering if I could fly back with him today and live in San Fran with you for a while to get back on my feet.”
“Come again?” The light tone of his voice was gone. “What did you just say?”
“I asked you if I could fly to San Fran, to stay.” I wiped away tears as they fell. “I need to leave Seattle and start over.”
“Since when do you live in Seattle, Hayley? Last time we talked, which was weeks ago, you were living in Memphis. You’ve been there since you supposedly hate the West Coast.”
“I guess I didn’t hate it that much.” My voice was a whisper.
“You told me you were finishing your master’s in business while looking into specialty schools,” he said, his voice tight.
“Is that part true?”
“So, I’ll assume you transferred schools behind my back. If you move here, will you still have all your course credits?”
“I doubt it.”
“Well, why not?”
“Because I dropped out of business school over a year ago.”
“What?” He sucked in a breath. “When the hell were you going to tell me this? And where the hell has the thousands in tuition money been going all this goddamn time?”
“Jonathan, please.” I swallowed. “Can we not do this today? I promise I’ll tell you everything, but right now I’m asking for your help, not your judgment.”
He let out a long sigh. “How long will it take you to get to the airport?”
“I’m already here.”
“Are you in the private terminal?”