Page 12 of Temp Defense
His grin was bright, and he nodded formally. “Door open or closed?”
“Open. I don’t want to trap Monster in here if she wants to explore. The door just has not to be latched.”
He nodded. “I will let you rest. Monster seems to be having fun.”
He left her alone, and she unzipped her skirt and untucked her blouse. She pulled back the blanket on the bed, looked at her clothes, and got down to her underwear. She crawled into bed and was out the moment that Monster curled into her arms.
Haley sat at the table with Monster pressing against her. Roast beef, mashed potatoes, salad, and the scent of cake filled her nostrils.
It wasn’t until she lifted her knife and fork that she saw something on her other wrist. She paused. “Where did this come from?”
Jarol looked at her. “What?”
“The second bracelet. I didn’t have it when I went into that room.”
He looked at her. “And there it is. Interesting.”
“Yes. The artifacts work as a set. Until they are all in place, you won’t be functional as a weapon.”
She mumbled around a mouthful of food. “I am not a weapon. I can barely take stairs at speed.”
Jarol chuckled. “I am sure that the artifacts will take care of it.”
“So, you are seriously thinking that I will be of use?” She kept eating.
Sarah came by and patted her shoulder, putting more water in her glass. “You will do fine.”
“What if I don’t want to?”
“You wouldn’t be here. Nothing would have compelled you here.” She smiled and left the room.
Haley focused on her meal. “Well, I have been told.”
Jarol laughed. Monster purred and pressed against her legs.
Two servings of dinner and a few shreds to Monster, and she was done.
She rubbed a hand over her face and smiled at Sarah. “That was lovely. Thank you.”
“You a sandwich girl?”
“Ramen. I save sandwiches for work.” She smiled. “That was nice.”
Jarol looked at her. “Are things that bad?”
“No, but I have savings that can stretch for six months. I like knowing that I don’t have to panic between assignments.”
He nodded, and Sarah left with their plates. When she came back, she was carrying a cake with three candles on it.
Tears pricked Haley’s eyes. She held her hands together, and the bracelets began to glow with that sparkly rainbow.
Sarah smiled and set the cake down. “Happy birthday, Haley.”
Haley squeaked. “I just wanted a cupcake, but thank you.”
Sarah kissed the top of her head. “You deserve the whole cake. You can share if you like.”