Page 24 of Temp Defense
The man nodded and walked away swiftly.
Tangero looked at Haley as she approached, and her armour faded away. She looked haggard and haunted, but she was smiling. “You might want to step aside. I need to put these down.”
He looked at her, and her arms were filled with hundreds of the same gems that made up the artifacts.
“These ones aren’t trained yet, so I would step aside. They are really pulling at me, and to them, you look tasty.”
He stepped back, and Jarol smiled tiredly. “We set a record. Now, excuse us. We need a shower.”
They walked past Tangero and stepped into the house. “Did you get all of the scans?”
One of his men nodded. “Yes, sir, but they don’t make much sense.”
“There is a temporal reading that shows the fight has been raging for twenty years.”
Tangero looked at the back of the two who were disappearing into the house. “This is interesting.”
“I am also detecting fading life signs. The enemy seems to have undergone a matter conversion.”
“They have?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Prepare a report and remember that this is top secret. It is worth your life and mine if this is discussed outside of these grounds. I will brief the prime minister.”
His associate nodded and packed up the equipment.
Tangero walked into the house and saw Haley pouring the stones into a large metal bowl.
“May I see one of those?” He began to reach for them.
“Do you want to make your wife a widow?” Jarol asked quietly.
“The Reniths have been custodians of these things for a reason. They don’t care about the power and don’t need to use it on the population. I have to design jewellery to use these up. That’s where the weapon comes from. We use their magic against them after we tweak it.”
She chugged her water, reached for the coffee, and then chewed on the toasted bagel that had been handed to her.
Tangero asked, “There were some readings. They indicated that the fight had taken decades.”
Jarol put his arm around Haley in a familiar manner. “It did. Time flexed. We needed it to so Haley could have a new record, so she did it.”
Tangero blinked at the very obvious connection that the two now had. They had literally been strangers two days before. Haley was now leaning her head against him as she chewed.
“Well, I am going to make my report. Thank you for your service.” He nodded and went to make the calls that he needed to.
Haley Preller and Jarol Renith had saved the world.
* * * *
Haley carried the gems into the depths of the mansion, and Jarol locked them up with a sigh of relief.
Haley smiled. “That’s a load off. All those compressed souls are going to work for the next generation. Maybe I should include some alternate jewellery. Maybe a gauntlet or two.”
Jarol nodded. “We can finally have that shower.”
“Maybe, but I was thinking about getting dirty. I found one of the treasure chests that your great-grandma left behind.”