Page 45 of Bound by Adoration
Liam chuckled. “Right to the point.”
I shrugged, still laying between them, but rolling on my back so I could see each of their profiles. “Pretty much.”
“You’re the talker. Might as well be you,” Raid told Liam who huffed, apparently knowing this would come from Raid.
“That doesn’t mean you can distract her. Can you keep your hands to your damn self?” Liam challenged him, and a smile tipped my lips. These two were going to drive me to distraction, and I needed no distractions.
“Fuck no. Have you seen this woman?” Raid said, warming my body.
“Hell yeah, I have.”
“Then no.”
I groaned, needing this tit for tat shit done. We were never going to get anywhere at this rate. “We’re off to such a great start… There will be no sexual distraction right now. None. I want to know these things.”
“You got it, beautiful,” Liam said, and my heart filled. Damn. Just him calling me beautiful and I was done for. God, I’d miss him. Miss them.
“We’ve known each other since the beginning of grade school, but really didn’t start hanging out and becoming friends until high school,” Liam started.
“Why did you wait until then?” I asked Liam, who responded but stared at Raid, wondering his take on this.
“We knew of each other. Said hi and all that shit, but we never clicked. Until one day we did. A teacher put us in a group together, and that was all she wrote. We became buds after that.”
“Buds?” I asked on a chuckle. That was a funny term coming from a man like Liam. Even if it was years ago.
“Yeah,” Raid started. “The asshole weaseled his way in and never fuckin’ left.”
“Until I did,” Liam countered.
“Wait a minute,” I started, pulling away from both men. I sat up and crossed my legs, looking down at them in the glow. “There has to be more to this ‘bud’ thing. We’re not glossin’ over stuff. Don’t be leaving shit out. Or I’ll pry. Hard.”
Both men rolled on their backs and put their hands behind their heads, looking up at me. Fuck, that shimmer of light made it a hot as fuck sight. Two men should not be this gorgeous. Or built. Or sexy. Or mouthwatering.
These men were ultimately frustrating, though.
“You wanna hear we fucked,” Raid said bluntly, and Liam turned to him possibly surprised. “Right?”
“Yep. Want to know this connection you two have because it’s not platonic buds.” Raid wanted to be blunt, so could I.
“It’s not anything anymore,” Raid tossed in.
“That’s what you think,” I grumbled low because it was anything but. Too much tension crackled in the room for that to be true. Hell, they couldn’t go five minutes without at least one annoying the other.
“Senior year. We hooked up a few times,” Liam said.
“Hooked up. As in had sex, had a relationship? What’s your definition of it?” I asked them both.
“Sex,” Raid answered, but Liam did not.
“Right. You want me to believe that shit? Because I don’t.” There was more to the puzzle. “You don’t carry around this kind of energy with someone who was a hookup here and there.”
“I’m not gonna lay here and say we were in a full-time fall in love type of deal. It was fun. Casual,” Raid said.
“Fuck you, Raid,” Liam clipped and turned onto his side to face Raid. I could feel the fireworks beginning to build. “Casual? We were together all the fuckin’ time? Even before the fucking. Fucked several times. Yeah. Don’t give me that casual shit. Causal you fuck once. Maybe twice, and you’re out. You don’t keep comin’ back for more. Then bam. ‘Can’t do this anymore’ bullshit from you. So don’t even try that shit.”
“Guess I struck a nerve,” Raid clipped as he continued to look up at the ceiling, ignoring everything that Liam just put out into the universe.
“Yeah. A fuckin’ nerve. More like you have the nerve or audacity to cut it all off as if it were nothing. But fuck me. You probably did think that. You had pussy all the time along with me. Two sides of a coin that you didn’t want people to find out about. You know, the club and all.”