Page 54 of Bound by Adoration
Because I needed to know, I asked. “You gonna push me away again if we ever actually fuck? Because I’m not dealin’ with that shit, Raid. I’m in. I’m in all the way. I won’t have everything ripped away from me in the blink of an eye because of some stupid notion of keeping me safe or hiding me. I’m no one’s dirty little secret.”
“Damn. Slow the fuck down. You’re jumpin’ the gun a bit here, but I get it. There are a lot of things I can’t answer because I can’t predict the future. But I can tell you this—I don’t run away from shit. Ever. Therefore, no reason to ‘push’ you anywhere. Second, I will keep you safe. That’s not negotiable. Just as I’m sure you’ll keep me safe. And once you’re in the club, there will be zero secrets. Zero. You’d be in deep. No gettin’ out.”
“And how do I trust you, Raid?” That was the big question. Trust was hard earned, and no way I was going full in with him. Not yet. I had to protect myself. He said the right things, but actions spoke louder than words.
“You will. You’ll see the lengths I’ll go to protect Nyx and you. Then you’ll get it.”
“Just like that? One day you’re pissed as shit at me, the next you’re talkin’ about a future with me included.”
“A lot’s happened in that time Liam. Might’ve been a short time, but it’s been enough to change my views and life goals. And once I’m in, I’m in.”
“And you’re in?”
“Obviously. She needs you, and I need her. We have history, but I don’t see anything left standing between us sorting shit and doing this right by her and both of us.”
My head shook, and I leaned it against the wall, still hearing the water in the shower running. “I feel like I’m on a fuckin’ rollercoaster.” That was the nice way to put it.
“Or a blender?” Raid threw in.
My head lifted, and I smiled. “Or a blender. Hopefully we don’t all get chopped to hell.”
“That is always a possibility. But, Liam, we make a pact now. We’re in this. The good, bad, and ugly. Thick or thin. Right or wrong. We both love Nyx. No matter what we’re here for her. Our stuff will come in time.”
“Yes. I’m in. I’ll do everything in my power to make her happy.”
“Damn straight.”
“So, what the fuck have you been up to since you left?” Raid asked, surprising me. He really wanted to know about my past. Never thought this would happen but hell, I loved it.
“Moved to Atlanta. Went to the academy, and became a cop.”
“Of all the things you could’ve became, a cop had to be top of your list?” Raid questioned.
I smiled, really liking this dynamic. “Yeah. Had to put the bad guys away.”
“Good luck with that one here,” Riad challenged.
“With Thompson here, no way would I even think of joining the force here until he’s handled. But I’m thinkin’ my life will need some changes. So who knows what’s gonna happen.”
“How did you meet Nyx?”
“By chance. Those assholes had a tight leash on her, but I was at a get-together, and she was there. Her eyes were haunted, and I wanted to pick her up and take her with me. Knowing the Hamiltons, I knew it wouldn’t be an easy task. A week or so later I snuck her a prepaid phone and everything happened from there. We texted back and forth all the time. Really got to know each other, and I knew she was for me. I wanted her as far away from those dicks as possible. I hid out with her for a bit after she escaped. Took some vacation time, and we holed up together away from Atlanta. It was then when we got really close. Her fuckin’ leavin’ was the hardest thing I’d ever felt at the time. I didn’t want her to go. Wanted to be with her, but she was bound and determined to keep those dickheads away from me.”
“And you gave up?”
I laughed. “Fuck no. She left in the night. Didn’t say goodbye. Fuckin’ searched for her, but she was a ghost. Just vanished. Looked everywhere where we were and in the city. I knew why she felt she had to leave. Fuckin’ killed me, though. Missed her like mad.”
“I could only imagine. I hate being away from her for an hour.”
The shower shut off. “She’s gettin’ out.”
“Good. Doesn’t mean I’m movin’,” Raid replied.
The door opened, and Nyx stood there, hair wet and a towel around her. She was fucking beautiful, and she stopped in her tracks and looked down at the both of us.
“Okay? What do we have goin’ on here? A pow wow?” she said and made to step over us.
I grabbed her around the waist, and pulled her down on my lap, her feet going to Raid who grabbed them and rested them on his legs.