Page 62 of Bound by Adoration
Nox was barking out orders for the few stragglers to keep going out the door. We moved as one unit, guns out and ready.
Cooper led us to the stairs, and we took them two at a time, seeing a few people on the way who took one look at us and kept running.
“Fucking hell,” Jacks called out as a huge ass spider attached to his pants which he batted away. “These damn things better not be poisonous.”
“Fuck if I know,” Nox responded as we hauled ass all the way up to the fourth floor, stepping on bugs the entire way. While ingenious, it was gross as fuck as well. One moment a cricket could be heard, the next … crunch.
Cooper paused at the door and turned to all of us. “You ready?” His voice was low, only for us to hear.
We nodded, and Raid turned around to look at me. “You good?”
“Yeah. Let’s do this shit,” I replied low as well.
“Stay close,” he told me which pissed me off.
“I’m not a fuckin’ fragile flower.”
“No fuckin’ shit. I’ve just got your back. Alright.”
I nodded, not needing to get into an argument with the man at the moment and made eye contact with Cooper. After he scanned all of us, he opened the door with Nox leading us onto the floor.
First thing I noticed was no bugs, which was the plan. The second was the quiet with only the click of a keyboard. No one running around afraid of the bugs or warning the people on the floor.
That moment was brief because as soon as the first guard saw us, all hell broke loose. One second quiet, and the next chaos.
Guns up, we moved and moved fast. I didn’t like my position in the back of everyone, but I also knew my place here. Hierarchy was always a priority in keeping situations organized. While difficult, I also understood and would oblige to anything they needed.
Right now, they were counting on me to keep their backs clean which was why I focused on behind us more than in front.
It also meant I missed a lot of what was happening. Shots were fired, and I turned in enough time to see a large man in a suit laying on the ground with blood coming out of his head. They didn’t take any chances when it came to the kill shots.
“Go,” Cooper ordered the woman at the front desk. While she appeared panicked, I saw her reaching under the desk from my angle. There must have been a panic button or alarm under there. I took my shot, hitting the woman in the arm. She fell down screaming, but that wasn’t before the dumb bitch pushed the alarm.
The entire room went off in a blaze of sounds.
“Move fast!” Cooper ordered as we barreled down the open space to the offices off to the far wall. There were several of them and like robots, Cooper went in the first room seeing nothing. Nox went in the second and fired off two shots. Even over the noise I could hear the thud of a body fall.
The elevator doors opened, and I was right there as two more guards came out. Before they could even get ready, I had a shot between one’s eyes and a second shot went off beside me. Raid had the other.
We made a pretty good team. Raid nodded, then took off. I followed and kept our backs protected.
Three guards came out of the two furthest offices, guns drawn and shooting. One of them pointed directly at me. I popped off two shots just in time to duck behind a desk, and the bullet imbedded itself in the wood.
“Good?” Raid called, firing his gun.
“Yeah,” I said, getting up from my position once the bullets stopped. Three more men were on the ground dead.
The receptionist kept screaming and pulled out a gun. It was Jacks who shut her up for good.
“Move,” Cooper ordered, and we all did.
It didn’t feel as though I was the new one in the group. It felt as though I’d been there forever with the way we all worked.
By the time I got into the far office, Cooper was beating on a bookshelf. “Those fuckers went this way.”
“Chill,” Nox said, moving to the case and finding a keypad. With two hits and a bullet, the damn thing opened; low and behold it was a secret exit.
“Let’s go!” Cooper yelled, taking the lead up the stairs.