Page 64 of Bound by Adoration
“There won’t be anything left. The guys’ll parachute out and there’s extra jet fuel strapped to the bottom. Once it crashes, evidence will be gone.”
“And the black box?”
“Gone,” Nox said with a smile.
“So their reign over Nyx is officially over?” Liam asked me.
“Yeah. They’re gone.”
“Thank god.” Only then did he sit back in his seat and rest his head.
Now we’d just wait for Micah and Deke’s confirmation they got out safe. Waiting was always the hardest thing.
“You’re gonna wear a hole in the carpet,” Screech said as I paced.
“Shut it. You’re a broken record,” I clipped, hating not knowing what in the hell was going on with the guys. Waiting was terrible. And he’d already told me those exact words before when Liam was gone.
“And you need to focus your energy elsewhere.” He sat on the bed in the clubhouse.
“Ha! Where the hell am I supposed to focus it? I have two men, plus an entire club of men out there fighting the three assholes who made my life hell for years. If anyone gets hurt, it’s on me!”
The anxiety of the circumstance was pressing down on me harder and harder as the seconds ticked by. It was strange. Sometimes you wanted the clock to go super slow so you could enjoy something like being in bed with my guys. Or you wanted it to speed the hell up, so you knew your loved ones were safe. Today was the latter.
Screech slowly got up from the bed, groaning, and came over to me. “Breathe, Nyx. Those two men love you, and from what I’ve seen around here, the Ravage MC loves this shit. They were packed up and ready to go in like a few hours. It was crazy.” There was a hint of admiration in his tone.
“Yeah, but don’t ya think that only being prepared for a few hours isn’t enough time to get all the kinks out of their plans? That one small thing could go wrong, and everything could blow up in their faces.” My heart felt as though it would beat out of my chest.
Screech wrapped his arms around me. I stilled only for a moment, then wrapped my arms around him. The hugging thing between us was still very new, but that was what friends did. Comfort each other. And it felt good even at this weird angle.
“You’re gonna give yourself a heart attack. You need to breathe and trust in your guys.” Screech released me and stepped back.
“I know this logically. But from my heart, yeah, that isn’t computing one bit.” My feet started moving again, and I had to make myself stop.
“Gotta say, not having any tech around is driving me nuts. It’s only been a day or so but fuck, it’s hard,” he said, taking a seat on the bed. The sound of his bones popping had me internally cringing. I really hated that for him. Being in pain.
“I bet for you it is.” I pulled my phone out of the back pocket of my jeans. “I’ve got my phone, but you can’t have it. Sorry.”
“I would fight you for it, but I’m too damn tired,” Screech said, laying back down on the bed.
“You feelin’ okay?” I asked, hearing another crack.
“Sore. Need some weed.”
“I’m sure I can find you some here.”
He chuckled. “Probably, but I’m not allowed out of my cage until I’m not a threat anymore.”
“Would you hack their system?” I asked him curious.
“Nah. No need to. Not to mention they’re pretty scary motherfuckers who would have no problem taking me out and torturing me or something. I’m not risking that shit. I live in pain. I don’t need more.”
My heart broke for him.
“You’re not wrong.” I stood there with the anxious energy but felt good talking to Screech. He was another one of the good ones. My best friend.