Page 7 of Bound by Adoration
Raid leaned back in the couch and stretched his arms out across the top cushion. “I’ve got time.”
Cami shook her head. “Of course, you do. But, Raid, it’s complicated and messy. Instead of me talking, you need to get as far away from me as possible. I don’t want any of this to touch you or your family. Raid, I lived life here in my perfect little bubble, under the radar. Then you happened. Once I tell you, there’s no going back. The cat will be out of the bag. You should walk away now.”
The begging in her tone made my heart squeeze. She loved him or, at least, cared about him deeply and wanted to protect him as well. That was Cami, always wanting to protect those around her when she was the one who actually needed it. Yes, these two had a definite connection.
“I couldn’t walk away from you if I tried Nyx. You know this.” Raid’s head tipped to me. “He know this secret?”
Cami bit her bottom lip; fuck, I missed that. So damn sexy without even trying. She breathed, and it was hot. Seeing her, even after all these years, blood started rushing to my cock.
Not the time, but shit happens. “Some of it,” I answered on a shrug, loving the fire Raid had burning in his eyes from being out of the loop.
Cami thought I only knew what she told me, but that wasn’t true. Granted, there would always be something hidden in her story, but I’d done my due diligence in research. Especially after she’d left. I wanted to know everything I could about the Hamiltons. Their security was top notch, and it wasn’t easy having to tread very lightly.
Plus, as a detective, I liked mysteries and puzzles. Knowledge was power, so even though she was gone, she was never forgotten. Not for a second.
“Alright, talk then,” Raid said, his intense demanding focus on Cami. He loved her. I could see it plain and clear. He’d kill for her in a heartbeat and not think twice about the consequences.
Did she love him as well? She absolutely cared about him. But love…
These next few minutes would give me the answer for sure. If she told Raid about her past, not superficially, but gave him the deep stuff, there was no question she did because she didn’t trust many. Trust was everything to her because she’d never had it after her mom passed.
I’d stupidly thought or hoped I was the only confidant, but it was looking as though I was wrong in that area.
Why I’d thought over the years that she'd kept to herself, I didn’t have time to dissect.
“Camilla Elizabeth Hamilton.” She looked up to the ceiling like the words pained her to say. “That was the name I was born with.”
Raid sat there, causal, but so focused and intense; it was like I wasn’t even in the room.
“I’m from Atlanta.”
Raid’s eyes swung to me. “And you’re a cop in Atlanta. What the fuck did you do?” he accused me with threat in his tone.
I crossed my arms over my chest, really tired of this intimidation tactic he was trying to push on me at every moment. “Shut the fuck up, Raid. I didn’t do anything. I’m man enough to say there aren’t many people in this world that I give a shit about. But Cami, shit’s different. I wouldn’t dare hurt her, and I’d die before I allowed anyone I know touch her.” Yeah, I laced that shit with a warning. Even knowing the damage Raid could do.
“Find that hard to believe,” he clipped back. “You’ve never been one to sacrifice yourself for anyone else.”
Cami rolled her neck. “Cujo, stop. Liam helped me. Probably more than he should’ve.”
And I’d do it all again, even if it meant not seeing her. What I felt for this woman would never go away. No woman had ever measured up to her.
“If he fuckin’ hurts you in any way, Nyx, I’ll fuckin’ kill him,” Raid told her, and I smirked.
“You forget I carry a gun too, dickhead? So, keep talkin’.”
“Like that scares me one fuckin’ bit.”
“I don’t need it, if you have the balls to go man to man,” I fired back. He’d be surprised what I’d learned.
Cami groaned. “Oh my God! You two are like testosterone-filled teenagers! Either listen or get the fuck out. I’d prefer you both leave, but I’m not a fuckin’ moron and know that won’t happen. So stop measuring your dicks, and listen.”
Raid growled low as my heart thumped in my chest. I wanted to say it was all because of Cami, but fuck me, I knew better. That dickhead. He would not get under my skin. No. Not happening. Never again. Not allowing it.
Breaking that thought, I turned the chair directly to face Cami. “If you want to talk, talk. You don’t want to tell him shit, you don’t have to. He can threaten all he wants, but it doesn’t mean shit. It’s your decision, always.”
Cami rolled her eyes. “Just stop. If you know Raid, Liam, you know he’s not goin’ anywhere. Just please stop. You’re both givin’ me a headache.”