Page 74 of Deals and Daggers
Wrath turned and looked at her with wide eyes. He was excited by Nat’s wild energy; anyone could see that. I was consistently surprised by just how different he and Alek were.
Wrath was almost… shy. But needless to say, he could be terrifying as hell when he needed to be. Still, Wrath looked like someone who would avoid danger at all costs, who would sever his own leg if it meant never hurting another soul.
Yet here he was, the almighty king of demons. The leader of the Night Ravens.
Go fucking figure.
Natalie quickly entrapped Wrath in some sort of conversation, twirling her hair around her finger and leaning into him even more than usual.
Great. There goes girls’ night.
I put my cup to my lips and drank, not stopping until it was empty, until the slight burn in my mouth moved to my throat, my chest, my stomach.
If I was going to spend the entire night with more demons, I would need another drink.
And probably three more after that.
I grabbed the still-full cup that Natalie had set on the counter and made my way out of the kitchen. “I need some fresh air,” I said to Nat. She nodded at me quickly before returning her attention to Wrath.
Was this how annoying I was when I was falling in love with Alek?
A wave of pain squeezed my chest. Yes, I probably was that annoying. He was all I could think about. All I could focus on.
Apparently still is.
I kept my head down as I barreled through the living room and out the back doors I had grown all too comfortable with. This place still had me on edge, but at least I knew I wouldn’t be fighting for my life here anytime soon.
Alek made sure of that.
Even the few demons I happened to look at were avoiding eye contact.
I fought a smile. It was an odd feeling that Alek had so much power, had claimed me as his so that nobody else could touch me.
“There you are!” Salem shouted from down the steps. “Get down here, Lyra!” She waved her hand in my direction.
She stood near two girls—demons, rather—that I didn’t recognize, but it didn’t matter. I was instantly wrapped in Salem’s warm, inviting energy. She hooked her arm through mine the second I got close enough, securing me at her side.
“I was hoping you’d come,” she mumbled, her eyes glistening against the twinkling string lights outside. “It’s about time I saw you have some fun for once.”
The very last thing I was feeling was peaceful, but not showing up for my brother and the rest of the Night Ravens might as well have announced to the entire fucking city that we had a weakness.
It would open us up for an attack, and I did not have time to deal with another mess.
So, I drove my car all the way down that endless dirt road, trying not to think of her.
And I failed miserably.
Every time my mind drifted to that shining red hair, to her perfectly plump lips, or to how fucking amazing she looked in my leather jacket, my foot pressed harder on the gas pedal.
I couldn't help it. Lyra made me do crazy shit.
The second Wrath told me Natalie was heading to the lake house, I knew Lyra would be with her. It was a gut feeling, one that spread throughout my entire body with red warning flags.
Nothing good happened when the demons gathered at the lake house.