Page 86 of Deals and Daggers
“Something happened the night I crossed into the veil to get you. That night that Marcus killed me, it changed everything. It changed me.”
“How? What happened?” he pressed.
The water lapped over the mossy rocks beside us, just past the windy beach.
I shook my head in desperation. “There is something dark in me, Wrath. Something dark and violent. This thing—this monster—was asleep for so long, but I felt it. Ever since I brought you back from the veil, I felt it. It didn’t awaken until recently. Until—”
I shut my mouth, turning around. I couldn’t face him as I said the words.
“Until what, Alek?”
I hesitated again, but the urge to say the words became nearly as strong as the hunger lacing through every single one of my veins. “Until I bit her again. Until I tasted her blood.”
Everything stilled. The silence was palpable.
I couldn’t look at my brother’s face as I waited for his response. There. I fucking said it. I admitted the one thing I could hardly even admit to myself for the last few days.
I craved Lyra’s blood like nothing I had ever felt before.
It consumed me. It tore me apart from the inside out.
“You’ve been…” Wrath shifted and cleared his throat. “You’ve been craving it, haven’t you?”
I didn’t lift my hanging head. Didn’t answer him. Didn’t have to.
The answer weighed through the air heavier than anything I could have said.
“Damn, Alek,” he muttered. “No wonder you’ve been acting like a complete stranger. I had my suspicions after the witch said you attracted the darkness, but damn.”
“It started off as a manageable craving. She bit me, too, at the last blood bonding. We’ve shared blood on more than one occasion. But things have been… things have been changing. I can’t control it like I used to.”
“Are you telling me you’ve been craving blood like a vampire, Alek?”
“No! Yes, I—I don’t know. I don’t need to drink it, I just… I need her.”
Another long pause. The agitation in my body grew and grew.
“It’s her blood,” Wrath guessed. “It has to be. She is part goddess, so surely that has something to do with it.”
“I thought so too at first,” I admitted. “But you bit Natalie, who also has goddess blood. The same thing would be happening to you.”
He cursed under his breath. “We need to find the witch. She can help us. What she said after the veil dropped, right before you ran. She said you—”
“I heard what she said,” I snapped. Yeah, I remembered what the witch said. I replayed it in my mind every fucking night since then. I lived it over and over.
I was up next.
I was a problem to be solved.
At first, I admit, I felt more anger than anything. But now? I was getting desperate.
I wanted to sink my teeth into Lyra’s flesh and taste that beautiful, warm blood once more. I wanted it more than anything.
And I wasn’t sure I could control myself any longer.
I eventually lifted my head and met my brother’s eyes. He didn’t look at me with pity like I expected. He didn’t look at me with hate or disgust, either.
Just concern.