Page 34 of Knight Devoted
His eyebrows flew up. “You can do that? My sword too?”
“I know it’s not as diabolical as you were hoping, but I refuse to let you sacrifice yourself if our chances are better together. I can’t guarantee I can get Sky out if he’s locked in or something. He only has hooves. But I can try.”
“Well, then…" He stared at her for a long moment, eyes searching her face. What was he thinking? “Fine. Yes. Let’s try.”
As his hands gripped her waist, she permitted herself a little satisfied smile. “I didn’t think you’d be so determined to die that you’d even defy an order.”
He shrugged. “Already did it once today.”
“Bastards,” she muttered.
“I agree. But the way I see it, dying nobly would be so much preferred to dying of boring old age, don’t you think? Who needs to live an eternity? For what, to lose all my teeth? My youthful good looks?” He laughed.
She smiled, but her soul sobered at those thoughts. It was good he couldn’t see her expression as he thumped her down on the very patient—if concerned—mare and climbed into the saddle behind her. Thinking more clearly now, she sent patient, calm feelings toward the horse. Its appreciation was palpable.
Her small pride in her achievement, though, was dulled next to the image her brain had formed. What exactly was a noble death?
Was it Javarin, armor shining, falling in battle? Was it an arrow lodged in his neck? Was it kneeling for a cruel-hearted prince like Alekur to carry out the appropriate punishment for this so-called service—execution? Was it one justice served while another justice was denied?
Was it truly being ripped apart by hounds to save a princess who hardly deserved such a sacrifice?
“I don’t know,” she murmured. “Right about now, old age sounds quite noble to me.”
“Staring death in the eyes will do that to you.” He chuckled again as he eased the mare into a walk, wincing a little at the rocking motion.
That injury… it was going to be a problem.
Chapter 14
Red Fields
Although they could hear shouting in the distance as they rode, no new barks or growls reached them. If there were more dogs, they were remarkably quiet. Iseris could only hope that there weren’t any more, but dogs she could handle, the same way she’d talked the others down. Reasoned with them.
Men, however? Alekur? Reason would have no chance with them.
At every distant shout that reached her ears, her heart jumped in her chest, and she wanted to urge the mare on faster. But with two of them… Even if Jav hadn’t told her it would be hard, she could feel the mare’s growing weariness. The slow pace was all they could manage right now.
She did her best to shower the girl in gratitude and encouragement, in spite of the nagging fear in the back of her mind. Thank you, thank you, pretty horse, she’d chant.
Eventually, the mare huffed in response. I do have a name, you know.
She blinked. She… hadn’t known. Red Squirrel and Owl had never had names, other than what she’d given them.
Squirrels and owls. The creatures you compare me to. You’re lucky you’re so grateful.
What’s your name, sweet horse?
The one before called me Mist. Another called me Cloud. There were others. I have not one name.
Which did you like the best?
Which rider? I think I liked the one that called me Pearl the best. He was kind. His beard tickled.
Then I will call you Pearl too. You’ll have to forgive my lack of beard.
That may be difficult, but I suppose I’ll try.
Smiling, she glanced at Jav over her shoulder. His eyes were on the distance, watching the shadows of the forest. “She says her name is Pearl.”