Page 22 of A Goddess Awakens
“Test?” I ask with feigned surprise.
A sardonic smile steals across Alfredo’s lips. “Don’t worry, you’re not the one who has to prove herself this time.”
I try to call Ayden on my way back to school. But I still can’t get through to him. It’s not until I step into the foyer that I get a message from him.
“Sorry I couldn’t reply earlier. It was a long operation, and two hunters were injured. I just left the infirmary. They seem to be out of the woods now. Don’t worry about me, I’m okay.”
“Do you have time now? Can we meet?”
“Sure,” he replies, and we agree to meet in his room.
When I get there, I see Ayden walking down the corridor toward me. He looks tired and clearly hasn’t slept. I go to him with a pounding heart. How long has it been since we last spent time alone together? The thought inflames an aching desire deep inside me.
I hug him and nestle up to him, so relieved that he’s okay. We go into his room, and I sit beside him on his bed. He runs his hands through my hair and touches my neck, eliciting a pleasant shiver. Oh how I’ve missed his touch.
“Was it bad?” I ask.
He sighs and says evasively, “These kinds of operations are never nice.”
Do I want to know how many victims there were? How many Noctu they managed to kill? Whether he saw Noah?
I guess Ayden can read the questions in my face because quickly shakes his head. “Noah wasn’t there.”
I nod.
“Did you get a chance to talk to him?”
“Yes, and he was pretty upset, understandably. I messaged him a bunch of times since and tried to call, but he’s not answering.”
“It’s pretty hardcore. Even I find it hard to believe what my father and the Council did to me.” He rubs his tired face. “I don’t know how to deal with my dad. I need to distance myself from him for a while – and the Council. But turning my back on all of them …” He shakes his head. “I won’t run away and abandon this world just because of what they did to me.”
I admire his fortitude, and I can understand his decision. The Tempes have mistreated me too, and I can’t bring myself to turn my back on this world. The idea of losing Yoru … How would it be for Ayden, who’s had Snow at his side for so much longer?
“Let’s not talk about it. I don’t want to waste our time on that.” He bends down and kisses my temple. His fingers play with my hair, and his lips wander along my neck as he asks, “How come you’re allowed to be here? I assume it’s not because the Fabricis have suddenly developed a sense of generosity.”
“They want me to be at Claire’s test tonight,” I reply.
Ayden leans back and looks at me in surprise. “Are you serious?”
I nod. “They want to parade me in front of the other Council families and demonstrate that they too have a valuable pawn.”
“Charming,” says Ayden. “And in return for your good behavior, they agreed to let you come here first.”
“I can be pretty convincing,” I reply with a wink, but then I’m serious again. “Do you know what Claire has to do in this test?”
“No. All I know is that she can’t prepare for it. There are a number of different tests written down in some book. It’s protected by an enchantment and can only be read when a test is about to begin. There’ll be lottery to decide which test she has to perform.”
I can’t help thinking back to my test. I picture the harbingers, hear their chants, and relive the indescribable pain.
Ayden quickly puts his arms around me. “It’s a different kind of test. Don’t worry, you won’t have to witness anything like that.”
“But she could get hurt,” I say. “She could even die. I mean, she keeps hinting at it, saying that she’s aware of the danger that comes with being a miraya.”
“Her family prepared her well. And one thing I learned is that the first test isn’t dangerous. If she fails, it just proves that she can’t be a goddess, and nothing else happens to her.”
“Except that she’ll destroy her family’s hopes and dreams.”
“But she’ll still be alive. And believe it or not, Albert Cunningham cares a lot for his granddaughter. He’ll still receive her with open arms.”