Page 39 of A Goddess Awakens
Once every last hair has been shaped and fixed with hairspray, I’m squeezed into a tight knee-length dress. It’s black with sequins that glitter under the lights.
“Can I wear a jacket over this?” I ask. My shoulders are bare, and the back is pretty low cut. I’m already cold. Not to mention the fact that I’d rather not walk around in front of the Council members like this.
“There was no jacket supplied, so I assume it doesn’t have one.”
I roll my eyes and try to keep calm.
There’s a knock at the door, and Alfredo sticks his head in. “Ready?” He looks me up and down and nods. “Much better than last time. So it is possible to make you look presentable.”
“Thanks for the compliment,” I retort in a sarcastic tone, which he ignores.
“We need to leave.”
“Can I have a jacket? At least for the car ride?”
He hesitates and then nods. “I’ll have something brought down.”
The journey is quick – to my relief because the icy silence that reigns between me and the family is almost unbearable. We arrive at the school, enter the foyer, and walk through to the hunter wing. There are security guards along all the corridors.
“The security measures have been beefed up,” Mr. Fabrici observes.
“That’s to be expected. Claire passed the first test, so they want to be sure nothing happens to her before the second one,” says Alfredo.
“Don’t be fooled, my dear,” says his mother. “This is just an attempt at intimidation. They want to make sure everyone knows how important and precious Claire is. If they were actually afraid of something happening to her, they wouldn’t let her wander around the school without a chaperone.”
I look at all the hunters standing to attention. Ms. Fabrici is probably right. The hunters look like the personal bodyguards of a king or queen, and I suppose that’s what Claire is.
I feel a cool draft on my back and an unnerving prickle. I suddenly have a bad feeling and turn around. But all I see are the hunters watching us with blank expressions.
When we’re almost at the room where the test is to take place, I stop in my tracks. Then I recover from the surprise and run. Ayden’s standing against the wall. Apparently, he’s also been assigned to security. He smiles as I approach.
“Cool job, huh? I feel like one of the Queen’s guards in front of Buckingham Palace.”
“At least you’re allowed to move. And I bet if I try hard enough, I can tease a smile out of one of the hunters.”
“And make the Fabricis have a meltdown,” he jokes. He glances up as the family approaches. “Everything okay?” he asks quietly.
I nod.
He takes my hand and caresses it with his warm fingers. “I’ll talk to Mr. Cunningham. He likes you. Maybe he can help get you out of there.”
I want to say something, but the Fabricis have caught up to me.
“I’m sure you’ll find time soon to whisper sweet nothings to each other. But we need to keep moving,” Alfredo reprimands me in a sugary tone that sounds like he’s paying me a compliment.
I say nothing and follow the family. Before we enter the room, I glance back at Ayden, who mouths a silent, “I love you.” That gives me strength. Now I just have to somehow get through this evening.
Like last time, we take a very indirect route to our seats, ensuring that every Council member sees us. Then all that’s left to do is wait. The Fabricis aren’t the only ones on tenterhooks. Everyone in the room seems eager to see what will happen tonight.
That makes me think of Claire again. I hope this test isn’t dangerous for her. I couldn’t bear having to watch another person suffer – even one I don’t like.
The door at the rear of the room opens, and Mr. Jameson the examiner steps through.
“I’m delighted to welcome you again to this very special occasion. We are gathered here to determine whether Miss Cunningham, having passed the first test, can also master the next one.”
Now Claire appears. She’s wearing pants and a shimmering blue blouse. Her attire seems plain at first glance, but on her, it looks amazing, accentuating her slim figure, her straight back, and her determined demeanor. She looks undaunted, her face mask-like, and yet she seems a little less sure of herself than last time. Maybe it’s the way her eyes dart around the room and only come to rest on the examiner when he addresses her directly.
“You’re aware that each task is more difficult and dangerous than the last. They must be increasingly challenging in order to comprehensively test your powers and verify beyond a doubt that there is indeed a latent goddess of destiny within you.”