Page 46 of A Goddess Awakens
“That’s not Kate anymore,” I finally manage to say. “At least, not the Kate we knew.”
“Everything has a reason, and Kate knew that. You have to believe me; she wouldn’t have taken this step if it wasn’t meant to be.”
“Oh yeah?” I ask her. “Then tell me – what’s the reason? Why does it have to be? Why? Tell me!”
Instead of answering my question, she simply looks and me and says, “All in good time.”
I can’t bear it any longer. I have to get out of this room, away from this stranger, no, this creature that was once my friend. Ayden follows me.
As I burst through the door into the corridor, I hear Kate’s voice say, “I’m sorry.” But I don’t believe her. I’m not sure she even knows what that means.
Ayden and I barely exchange a word as we walk off down the corridor. I’m grateful to him for that because he knows there are no words for what’s just happened. Nothing that could mitigate the shock.
We go to his room without having to discuss it. I sit on his bed, and he sinks down beside me. He tenderly caresses my arm and lets his fingers wander up to my neck. It’s these little gestures and his healing presence that I need right now. They help me forget – at least for a while. And that’s all I want right now.
I turn to him and hungrily seek out his lips. He gasps, surprised by my intensity, but then he increases the pressure of his lips on mine. Our caresses become more urgent, and the desire welling up in me threatens to scorch everything else inside me. And that’s exactly what I want. I want it to extinguish every other feeling in me and reduce my pain to ashes.
I cling to Ayden like a drowning person and kiss him – his lips, his neck, his chest. I can’t get his shirt off him fast enough, and I run my hands over his body impatiently, with the blissful awe that overcomes me whenever I see him like this.
Ayden surrenders to it, gives me what I need and what I long for, and so much more. Now he’s on top of me, devouring me with his kisses, his touch, his desire.
Chapter 22
Ifind it especially hard to leave Ayden this evening. I nestle up to him, breathe in his delicious scent, and run my fingers over his smooth, firm chest. I wish I could spend the whole night here. But I know I’ve already been granted a big concession, and I can’t push my luck.
I lean forward and kiss him – with passion and longing. Eventually, I manage to pull myself away, stand up, and get dressed.
“I should be going.”
Ayden nods and watches me thoughtfully. “I’ll keep an eye on Kate,” he promises. “I don’t want you to feel like you’re the only one looking out for her.”
I’m grateful, but I don’t know what to say. The knowledge that Kate will never again be the person I used to know hurts so much. Ayden stands up, hugs me, and cups my face in his hands. He kisses me so slowly and tenderly that it almost brings me to tears. I’m not alone, no matter what happens.
I wouldn’t mind if the ride back to the Fabrici house lasted hours. I rest my forehead against the bus window and watch the houses, streets, and lights pass me by. None of it really gets through to me – through the fog in my head and around my heart.
As soon as I arrive, I go straight up to my room. Exhausted and overwrought, I flop back on my bed and turn to Yoru, who rests his head in my hand. He watches me with his dark eyes as if he understands everything I’m thinking.
“Maybe there’s a way to bring Kate back,” I mutter, draping my arm over my eyes to hold back the tears. I know it’s far-fetched. Is it a good idea to cling to thoughts like that?
My stomach growls, and that’s when I realize that I haven’t eaten in hours. I consider going down to the kitchen. Sitting here and wallowing won’t do me any good. At least it would give me something to do.
“Come on, let’s go see if we can find something to eat,” I say to Yoru as I get up.
My little fox follows close behind me, and together we go downstairs to the kitchen. I’m reaching for the door handle when something makes me stop and listen out.
“I’ll just go upstairs and clear up,” I hear someone say. I’m surprised that there are still staff members working at this time. Then again, I know that some of them live in the house. So maybe it’s not unusual for them to be on call after 10 o’clock.
“Yeah, do that, but remember – don’t speak to him, and don’t breathe a word of this to anyone, you got that? Nobody can know that we have a Noctu prisoner.”
Startled, I step back from the door. A Noctu prisoner? I instantly think of Noah. Could it be him? Is it possible? Is that why I haven’t heard from him? Why wasn’t I more persistent? I should have been to search for him in the Odyss.
My heart is in my mouth as I quickly open the door to the next room and slip through it. I leave it open a crack so I can peer out.
A young woman carries a tray past me toward the stairs. I quietly follow her and pray that she doesn’t see me. I stop at each corner and wait for her to go ahead until I’m sure I can follow her without risking being seen. After what feels like an eternity, she stops outside one of the doors on the top floor. I turn into another corridor and wait there until she comes out and goes back downstairs.
My pulse pumps adrenaline through my body. What if I’m wrong and it’s not Noah but another Noctu? What will they do to me when I show up? Will they attack me? Will they be able to? Or are they incapacitated? I guess I’m about to find out – if I can get the door open.
I take a few deep breaths and exchange a glance with Yoru. He looks tense too but also very focused. Just to be safe, I send him a little odeon so that he’s ready to strike back if necessary.