Page 60 of A Goddess Awakens
“You figure it’s good idea to corner me here on school premises? When you’re the subject of an ongoing criminal investigation?”
“That’s why I’m here. A decision was reached today, and I wanted to tell you personally. That’s pretty considerate of me, don’t you think?”
I swallow hard and shrug. Inside, I’m anything but indifferent. Did the Council side with Alfredo? Is he going to get away with throwing me in that place and torturing me like that? I can’t believe it.
“I’ll be leaving town for a while,” he replies.
I actually lose my composure for a moment, and my eyes widen.
“Yeah. The Council decided it’s best if I’m out of the picture for a few months. I have to do some self-improvement training. They said my misconduct was inexcusable, especially since my accusations against you can’t be proven. What do you think of that? You won, and now you’re free of me. Isn’t that fantastic? You’re incredibly lucky to have such powerful advocates on your side.”
I know he’s referring to Mr. Cunningham. He kept his promise and stood up for me. Alfredo won’t escape punishment. He has to leave town – at least for a while. Knowing this does me a world of good.
He slowly leans in and whispers, “Don’t celebrate too soon. I won’t be gone forever. Trust me, I’ll be back. You can’t get rid of me that easily, and that’s a promise.”
“Mr. Fabrici!” The voice thunders down the corridor. “May I ask what you’re doing here? I sincerely hope this encounter is coincidental and that you have some other reason to be on school premises. It wouldn’t look good if you came specifically to harass Miss Franklin. You’re supposed to stay away from her, and you know it.”
Alfredo slowly turns around to see Mr. Cunningham standing behind him.
“Albert! Of course, it was pure coincidence. How stupid do you think I am?” He turns back to me with a cold smile and whispers, “Remember what I said.” Out loud he says, “So nice to see you again.” With that, he moves off, and I watch him go until he’s out of sight.
“I’m really sorry. I hope he didn’t frighten you.”
I shake my head. “He just wanted to redraw the battle lines.”
“He needs to drop the whole thing. The Council ordered him to leave the city for at least two months. He’ll be sent to the hunters on the east coast where he’s to participate in some special training courses. If he makes contact with you during that time, his sentence will be extended. After the two months are up, the Council will determine whether he’s improved and is ready to return. But if he ever attacks you again, he’ll be banished from San Francisco permanently.”
I nod, relieved. I doubt that Alfredo will ever give up, but at least there are significant obstacles in his way now. He’ll have to think long and hard about whether it’s worth the risk.
“And I have more good news for you. The Fabricis have agreed that you should move back to the school permanently.”
I breathe a sigh of relief, but Mr. Cunningham holds up his hand to interrupt me.
“But they have one condition. They want to convey the news to you personally. The best thing would be to visit them in the next few days and discuss it. And you can pick up your things at the same time.”
What does the family want from me? I suppose they have their backs to the wall right now. They have nothing on me.
“You’ve had to endure so much lately. None of this should have been allowed to happen. I should have stood up to the Fabricis from the start and insisted on my original offer. But, as they say, better late than never. And I want to renew my offer to you. I’d like to assist and support you in learning to control your powers. I’d be delighted if you’ll accept.”
I don’t need to think about it for long and quickly nod. “Thank you, that’s really kind of you. I’d really like it if we could work together on that.”
“I’m so glad to hear it. Then I’ll be in touch soon about getting started. But not until you’re ready. Move back into the school and take your time to find your feet again.”
He extends his hand and smiles warmly. I’m sure he’ll be a big help. Maybe I’ll actually learn to control my gift with his help.
“A storm can never be captured,” says Kate as she watches Mr. Cunningham walk away. “All you can do is allow yourself to be swept along with it.”
I look at her in surprise and secretly agree with her. In the end, the Fabricis couldn’t hold on to me and had to let me go.
Chapter 29
Iwant to put the conversation with the Fabricis behind me as soon as possible, and hopefully I can take all my belongings with me when I leave. I want to get out of that place as fast as I can. But now that I’m standing at the front door looking up at the façade, I have a bad feeling.
Ayden puts his arm around my waist. “They can’t hurt you. Right now their main concern is saving face with the Council. Everyone there knows what Alfredo did.”
“It might make some of them even more intimidated.” This is something I’ve been thinking for a while. “I mean, Alfredo never intended to kill me. He wanted to torture me. And that shows everyone how far the Fabricis are willing to go in dealing with their enemies. Better to stand with them than against them.”
“Which is exactly why the Council seized this opportunity to put them in their place. The Fabricis have to pull their heads in, at least for a while.”