Page 28 of Old-Fashioned
Spinning around, I glared at him, seeing my face, he locked his eyes on mine that were exactly the same, mind you, and he had the nerve to lift a brow at me, “There a problem?”
I nodded, “Yeah, you can say that. I guess once a liar, always a liar.”
He tilted his head, “Do I know you?”
I wanted to vomit in my mouth when he looked me up at down.
Thankfully, when that was all he did, therefore, I didn’t experience a disgusting shiver.
“I guess you could say that. Considering you used to slide me your extra vegetables when we had them because you didn’t like seeing my bones poking out through my skin.”
I stood there as I watched something pass over his features, but none of the looks I was getting included, remorse, guilt, sorrow, regret… none of those.
However, that something was gone in the blink of an eye, “I think you have me confused with someone else.”
I shrugged, “Yeah, I guess so. Because the brother I remembered before he turned eighteen, never would have left me there. He wouldn’t have ever stopped talking to me. And the brother I remember, he was my hero. What he wasn’t, was a coward.”
And with that, I turned and headed back to the bar.
Frank met me on the end, jerked his chin at my brother, and asked. “Everything okay?”
I nodded, then smiled, “How much would it take to ban someone from here?”
His entire body tensed, “All you gotta do is tell me, or the boss, and we’ll see that it happens.”
At the mention of the boss, my eyes searched for Abel, and when I didn’t see him, I had no idea that Frank knew who I was looking for, not when he said low and only for me to hear, “He ran to the stockroom, told me to keep an eye on you.”
“Hey, girl, some guy said to give this to you,” I turned at Isla’s words, then looked at the table my brother had occupied.
And seeing that the chair was empty, I took the napkin from her and read the two words, and then muttered, “Yeah, he was nothing but a coward.”
Those two words? ‘I’m sorry.’
I looked back up at Frank, and seeing the napkin, and what was written there, he whispered, “He comes back in, I’ll throw him out.”
I nodded, then smiled.
Thankfully, Isla and I worked the morning shift today, which was why she stalked over to me at my place at the end of the bar and asked, “Hey girl, are we still on for girls’ night at your place?”
I looked at Isla and smiled, “You know it. Just be mindful of Ryker. Okay?”
“You got it. I’ll take my cues from you. Now are we doing a Jason Momoa night? Or are we doing a Chris Hemsworth kind of night?”
I thought about two movies I’ve yet to watch and thought they looked interesting, therefore I waggled my brows and said, “Chris Hemsworth. Definitely.”
She narrowed her eyes at me, “You already have movies in mind. Don’t you?”
I chuckled, and then nodded, “Okay. You bring the wine, I’ll cook dinner, and then we can both fall in love with Chris.”
With that, she went back to finish off her tables since Jewell, Shelly, and Tabitha just walked in.
I didn’t know that Abel was back from the stockroom, not until he walked over to the end of the bar.
But I knew he heard enough when he asked, “So, that’s your type?”
Cocked my head to the side and then asked, “What?”
“Chris Hemsworth? That’s your type?”