Page 43 of A Vow So Soulless
My breath vanishes from my lungs when his gaze captures mine. It’s all-consuming, dark and violently possessive.
“I allow you more leeway than I allow anyone else,” he says, every word dropping his tone lower and lower. “And I allow you more disobedience than I allow anyone else.”
His grip shifts back. He makes a fist around my hair and tugs sharply, exposing my sensitive throat. My back arches involuntarily. Shaken, my hands shoot out for balance, one grabbing at the desk, the other falling heavily onto his rock-hard thigh. With a grunt, he forces me closer. My legs buckle, and I collapse to my knees between his thighs. He’s still got his hand in my hair, tugging my head back with just the right amount of force to twine pleasure alongside pain. My eyes water as I look up at him.
His other hand rises to my throat, a mere echo of pressure before he presses his fingers and thumb into my flesh, massaging the sensitive tissue. I let out a guttural moan, hating the sound and myself for not being able to resist this. Resist him.
“Maybe I’ve allowed you too much disobedience,” he muses darkly. “Maybe I’ve spoiled you too much. Been so lenient that you’ve forgotten who you’re dealing with. It’s my own fault, really. You’ve made me fucking weak.”
Both his hands tighten simultaneously on that word – weak. The increase in the pressure changes the angle of my head, and I’m suddenly confronted with the unmistakable shape of his engorged cock beneath his dark pants.
“You see that, Songbird?” he rasps. “You see what you do to me? Even now, while my kidney is bleeding out into my fucking body, I’m that fucking hard for you.” His grip on my throat goes briefly vicious, and I see ecstatic stars dance across my eyes before he relaxes his hold.
But he doesn’t let go.
“You may be able to affect me in ways nobody else on this planet can, but I want you to hear something right now, and I want you to fucking remember it.”
His eyes are black and bright at the same time. How is that even possible? Like flames made out of shadows. Consuming me.
“You are mine,” he growls savagely. “You are mine in ways you can’t even fucking fathom. You say you’re not going to marry me? That’s like saying the sun’s not going to rise tomorrow. I will drag you down that aisle kicking and screaming if I have to. I will shove a ring on your finger even while you try to claw my fucking eyes out. But make no mistake about it. You will be my wife.”
His eyes are searing me. Burning down into my very soul. Something raw, nearly painful, tears through that dark gaze and into me.
“Marrying you is my sunrise, Songbird. It’s inevitable. Don’t think that you can fight me on this. Because you cannot fucking win.”
“It’s not about winning,” I choke out, my throat catching in the possessive cage of his fingers. “It’s about what I want.”
“No,” he fires back instantly. “It’s about what you need. And what you fucking need is me.”
Chapter 14
My head hurts. My side hurts. My dick hurts. I’m this fucking close to unzipping my pants and ordering Deirdre to suck. The thought of her gorgeous, stubborn mouth closing over my throbbing head makes my veins feel fucking molten.
God, she looks so good down on her knees like that, her narrow throat trapped beneath my fingers, face flushed, chest heaving with restrained rage and probably at least a little arousal.
My angry little Songbird. Beating so hard against the bars of her cage.
We stare at each other, the silence between us as taut as a flexed muscle. I drink in the sight of her, cock twitching when I see that her nipples are hard and pebbled beneath the buttery-soft fabric of the sweater she’s wearing. My hand drifts down from her throat, and it aches like a bastard, but damn does it ever feel good when I press my palm into the braless curve of her breast. Deirdre takes a strangled breath, arching into my touch before she seems to remember herself and starts to pull away.
“Oh, no you don’t,” I hiss. I’ve still got one hand in her hair, and I give the strands a firm tug of warning. She stills, then shudders, whimpering when I graze her nipple with my thumb.
“Open your mouth,” I whisper, my voice growing rough and urgent. Her eyes flash, and I’m pretty sure she’s about to tell me to go fuck myself, but with a resigned, furious sort of submission, her lips part for me.
“Fuck. There’s my good little Songbird.”
I hook my thumb beneath the edge of her sweater, yanking it upwards and shoving the fabric between her teeth.
“Hold that there,” I tell her. She bites down gently, and the sight of her teeth sinking into the plush fabric twists something deep inside me.
She’s still down on her knees between my legs, holding up her sweater between her teeth, exposing herself to me so beautifully. Her chest is flushed with the force of her emotions, her nipples rosy and begging to be touched. I lean forward, breathing shakily through the screaming pain in my right side, and suck her left nipple into my mouth.
Deirdre spasms as I latch onto her, sucking hard. I groan, palming her other breast with my bleeding hand. She’s so goddamn delicious. She smells so good, like fucking sugar. Her skin is velvet and cream. So sweet it almost seems like she should melt, dissolve like candy. Come apart completely under the wet heat of my mouth. I tongue her nipple, rolling it hard, my eyes fluttering shut in rapture when she moans. Her hands grapple at my shoulders, and I half-expect her to shove me back, but a second later her fingers are burying themselves in my hair. Her touch is an electric fever zinging right up my spine to my scalp. I grunt, suck her harder, graze her flesh with my teeth. I know I’m going too hard. I know I’m going to leave a mark on her.
And maybe that’s the fucking point. To give her something she can see in the mirror. Something she can’t deny. Truth spelled out in broken blood vessels. A physical sign of who she belongs to.
I don’t think I’m hurting her, though. Or if I am, my Songbird must like it. She’s trembling and making these little mewing, choking sounds around the fabric in her mouth, burying her fingers forcefully into my hair, dragging me harder against her.