Page 93 of A Vow So Soulless
She finally does so, parting her lips slightly until I can see the blunt, shiny edges of her teeth.
“Wider, Songbird,” I groan. My hips roll without me meaning for them to, the tip of my cock colliding with her lips and smearing precum there. I press my thumb harder at the place above her chin, pushing downwards against the lower half of her jaw until her mouth is forced into a pretty pink O shape. My slick head is right fucking there, and it only takes a miniscule nudge to send it past her lips and teeth and into the wet cavern of her mouth.
“Now suck.”
She does so, an experimental tug of tension against the tip of my cock that has me straining in the chair. Her tongue prods delicately at my leaking tip, then lower, stroking its silken surface across my glans. I can tell she doesn’t know what the fuck she’s doing. She’s treating the tip of my dick like a lollipop instead of sucking me down deeper, but for the moment I don’t give a flying fuck. My balls get hot and tight, my shaft practically vibrating, needing more and needing her not to stop even for a second all at the same damn time.
I bury my hand in her hair, gripping the back of her head and mussing up her braid, guiding her down at the same time that I thrust up. She gives a muffles squeak of surprise that I feel all the way down to my balls.
But she doesn’t let up. Sloppily trying to time herself to my new gyrating rhythm, she bobs her head. Instinctively, she slides a hand further up my thigh until she’s got her fist sliding up and down the throbbing length of me.
“You’re doing so fucking well,” I groan, bucking up into her mouth a little harder than I mean to, making her choke a bit. I slide my fingers out of her hair to the soft place beneath her jaw, then lower, to the front of her throat. Massaging there, I coax her, “Take me deeper.”
Her eyes meet mine. Searing, endless, heart-stopping fucking blue. Her face is flushed, her hair a mess, her mouth filled with my cock and she couldn’t look any fucking better.
She used to fight me. She used to fight me so fucking hard. But now I’ve got her on her knees with my dick in her mouth and she isn’t even trying to bite it off. And when I nudge myself further inside, she relaxes and she fucking takes me deeper.
“Fuck. Stay like that,” I breathe, returning my hand to the back of her head as I fuck her mouth. She’s not trying to move on her own or suck now, I’m going too hard for that. All she can do is kneel there and fucking take it, holding her mouth open for me as her eyes slide shut.
I cannot fucking wait to marry this girl.
Maybe I’ll have her suck me off right before the wedding, when she looks all pristine with her hair and makeup done, her white dress pooling around her body as she kneels.
A heady moan fills my lungs at that image, and my dick spasms hard in the silken wet of my fiancée’s mouth. A jet of come shoots forward, filling her and probably surprising her, because she makes a garbled sound and tries to pull away. My hand turns hard as stone on the back of her head, holding her there, trapping her.
“I said,” I grit out between waves of mind-bending pleasure, “that I was going to come inside you. Do not fucking move.”
I can’t believe she obeys, but she actually does. She stops fighting my hold as I spurt once more into her mouth. Forced to either swallow or choke, she chooses the former. Her throat contracts, and the suction in her mouth increases, making me bite back a gruff moan as my dick grows exquisitely sensitive.
There’s a temptation to let my eyes roll back in my head and just enjoy the physical sensations. But I don’t. I keep them wide fucking open, fastened on Deirdre’s blushing face as she struggles so prettily to swallow everything I’ve given her.
Eventually, the pressure of her mouth on me turns into a breathless sort of torture. I ease my grip and let her wrench herself off of my cock with a wet-sounding gasp. Her mouth hangs slightly open as she pants, her lips swollen and smeared with saliva and the remnants of me.
It makes me feel like I’m going to get hard again already.
It makes me want to get back inside her pussy.
“Morelli will get you the pill,” I grunt, yanking my clothes from the floor and hitching them up over my hips. I tuck my dick back inside and fasten everything into place without standing. I’m not entirely convinced my legs are going to hold me yet.
Deirdre’s glazed look morphs into a glare, as if she’s suddenly remembered that she was supposed to be pissed at me.
“I shouldn’t have to ask your permission for something like that,” she says, getting shakily to her feet so that she’s looking down at me instead of up. Her face gets even redder when my gaze goes to her bare legs and pussy and she snatches at her clothes, pulling them up violently like she’s even more mad at them than at me.
“Don’t worry, Songbird. I don’t plan on making you into a mamma just yet,” I reply. “Want to enjoy you as my wife first. Keep you just for me a little while longer.”
“Alright, well… That doesn’t cover everything, though. The pill, I mean.” She hesitates, and I stare at her unblinking, waiting for her to spit out whatever the fuck it is she’s trying to say. She takes a steeling breath then says in a rush, “Have you been tested recently?”
“Tested? Like, tested tested?”
She nods.
“I need to know,” she says defensively, even though I’m not offended in the slightest. “Since you don’t use…”
“Condoms?” I say with a sardonic smirk. “Actually, Songbird, I pretty much always use condoms. Have for more than a decade. And I have been tested recently. Results are all clear on everything. Morelli’s a demanding son of a bitch, and I don’t always ignore his recommendations.”
“You…” Her eyebrows do that cute frowny thing that creates the wrinkle between them that I always want to poke.