Page 17 of Cody
He shook his head. “Those were left here.”
Addison laughed. “I thought I was encouraging you, and you didn’t even hang them.”
Cody chuckled. “Nope. The only room I don’t have boxes in is the master bedroom. I figured I had to sleep in there, so I’d better get it ready.”
“Good thinking.”
They ate their burgers in silence, except for Cody moaning after biting into his.
“Damn. This is the best burger I’ve ever had, and trust me, I’ve had a lot. Being on the circuit, sometimes I had to take meals wherever I could find them. Not always the best, but I’ve encountered some great little dives.”
“Sometimes those little meat and three places are the best.”
“Does the diner do those?”
“Yes. Connie has a plate special every day. Everything there is wonderful.”
“I’ll definitely check it out once I get settled.”
“If you want a fancy place to eat, the Hartland Restaurant is great.”
“I’m going to dinner tomorrow evening at Vivian and Gray’s house. You could join us.”
“Oh, no. That’s family.”
“Okay, but we’ll get together for dinner with them one night.”
“I’d love that. Is Gray happy about the baby?”
Cody grinned. “Over the moon. So is Vivian.”
“I’m so happy for them. What about you?”
“I’m happy for them too.” He grinned.
“That’s not what I meant, and you know it. Do you want to have children?”
“I think we should get to know each other first.”
“You are a real smartass, Cody Haines.”
He laughed. “I can be.”
Later, they worked in separate rooms, and the house started to resemble a home.
Cody walked to the thermostat and looked at it. It showed it was seventy with the a/c on. It sure didn’t feel like it.
With a sigh, he went to the kitchen to see if Addison was doing all right. He entered the room and came to a halt. She was on her knees, bent over, putting things under the counters, and her jeans stretched tight across her ass. Aw, hell.
She squealed, jerked up, and hit her head on the counter, and he had to bite his lip so he wouldn’t laugh. He knew damn well if he did, he’d be on her shit list, and no man liked to be on that list with any woman.
She put her hand on her head and glared at him.
“Do not sneak up on me.”