Page 5 of Cody
Addison shook her head and continued working on prescriptions. She glanced up to see Cody looking at her, and she stared right back. A smirk lifted from one corner of his mouth, and she bit her lip to keep from grinning.
She turned her head away when one of her employees handed her Vivian’s prescriptions. Addison looked at it, then at Vivian, and smiled.
“Are you pregnant?” she asked in a low voice, so other customers wouldn’t hear.
A big grin lit up Vivian’s face as she nodded.
“How is Gray taking it?”
“He doesn’t know yet. I’m going to tell him when I get home. I just came from Dr. Anderson’s office. Hailey is so excited.”
“I’m sure Gray will be, too,” Addison said. Hailey Beckett was married to Gray’s younger brother, Gage, and was a nurse practitioner in the OB/GYN office.
“He’d better be,” Vivian said.
Cody chuckled. “Of course, he will be. Just like I am. I’ll have a niece or nephew to spoil.”
“You don’t have children, Mr. Haines?” Kinley asked in an innocent tone, making Addison snort. Kinley looked at her and raised an eyebrow, and Addison rolled her eyes.
“No, ma’am. I’m not married.”
“Doesn’t mean you can’t have kids out there somewhere,” Kinley said with a shrug.
“Kinley,” Addison hissed.
“I’m not a deadbeat dad, ma’am. If I had kids, I’d be taking care of them. I always use protection,” Cody said as he stared at Kinley.
“Good to know.” Kinley nodded and grinned.
Addison saw Cody shake his head and grin as he looked at Vivian.
Once she filled the prescriptions, Addison walked to the cash register, rang up the order, and ran Vivian’s debit card. When she looked at Cody, he was staring at her again. He had to be close to six foot four or five.
She glanced away, but he was still watching her when she looked back at him. He leaned his hip against the counter, folded his arms, and smiled.
“Are you married, Ms. Weaver?”
“No, I’m not, and please call me Addison.”
“Yes, ma’am. I’d love to call you… Addison.”
Startled, she looked up at him to see him raise an eyebrow. She reached into her white lab coat pocket, handed him her card, and smiled.
“I’d like that,” she said.
Cody grinned. “Good.” He stared at her.
“If you’re done flirting, I want to get home,” Vivian said teasingly.
Addison blushed but smiled.
Cody chuckled. “Let’s go then, sis. I’m getting hungry. It’s been a long day.” He touched the brim of his hat. “Addison, I hope to speak with you soon. Have a good rest of the day.” He looked at the other women behind the counter. “Ladies.”
“You too. Vivian, congratulations.” Addison grinned when she heard women sigh.
“Thanks, Addison.” Vivian picked up the white bag containing her prescriptions, hooked her arm through her brother’s and almost dragged him out the door.