Page 59 of Cody
Tuesday evening, Cody pulled into Addison’s driveway, picked up the flowers and exited the truck, then walked to the door. He raised his hand to knock, but it opened, and Addison smiled at him.
“Come in,” she said and opened the door wider for him to enter.
He handed her the flowers, kissed her lips, removed his hat, and entered the house.
“More flowers?” she asked him. She wore lounge pants and a T-shirt, and her feet were bare.
“I thought women loved getting flowers.” He frowned.
“We do. But you don’t have to bring me flowers all the time.”
“Maybe I have an ulterior motive.” He wriggled his eyebrows.
“No doubt there.” She laughed.
“Something smells good, other than you. Hey, Lolli,” he said when the dog came running into the living room and sniffed his boots. “She didn’t even bark.”
“I think she knows you’re allowed here. She never barks when Nana comes by either. Take a seat and I’ll get the spaghetti together.”
“I’m starving. I had an early lunch.” He sighed.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” He shook his head. “I’ll tell you after we eat.”
“Okay,” she said quietly.
He took her hand. “It’s nothing about us. It’s just something that happened. Let’s eat then I’ll tell you.”
As they sat on the sofa, eating, Cody wondered if he should tell her about seeing Gwyn, or thinking he saw her. Mentally, he shook his head. They were in the beginning of their relationship, so he wasn’t going to lie to her about it.
“This is great. I love spaghetti.”
“I do too. It’s simple and quick, plus I’ll freeze any I have left over.”
“Maybe send some home with me.” He grinned.
“I can do that.” She picked up the plates, carried them to the kitchen, then returned to the living room, and sat beside him. “Now, what’s on your mind?”
Cody sighed. “I thought I saw Gwyn today.”
“What? Where?”
“I was outside of the diner, and I thought I saw her go into a store across the street, but when I went into the store, I didn’t see her anywhere.” He shook his head. “The only thing I can think of is, it just looked like her. I don’t know how she’d know I moved here unless she hired a private investigator.”
“Do you think she would do that?”
“I think she’s capable of a lot of things, so it wouldn’t surprise me, but why? She knows it’s over and has been.” He watched Addison chew on her bottom lip and touched her hand. “It is over.”
“I believe you.”
“Then what is it?”
As he listened, she told him about a man watching her.
“Did he talk to you?”
“No. Maybe he was a tourist.” She shrugged.