Page 62 of Cody
Siobhan Flynn walked to the counter and handed her a prescription. Addison took it and looked at it.
“Is Liam sick?”
“He has the flu. I finally got him to go to the doctor after he fell off his horse because he was so weak. Damn hardhead.”
Addison laughed. “Men.”
“I know they act like they’re dying when they’re sick, but Liam thought he was still tough enough to help move cattle. I about died when I saw two of his men helping him to the house.” Siobhan shook her head.
“Oh, my. I hope he gets better. I’ve filled a lot of prescriptions lately for it, even though it’s early fall. I can’t imagine what it will be like later in the season, and winter.”
“I sure don’t want it.”
“Me neither. I’ll get these filled for you and make sure Liam follows the directions.”
“I will. I’ll probably have to force him to take them.” Siobhan grinned.
“No doubt there. I’ll just be a minute.”
As the day wore on, the pharmacy stayed busy. Each time the bell chimed; Addison would look toward the door hoping to see Cody come by for a visit. She glanced up when it chimed and saw a woman enter with the man who’d been staring at her. She tensed as she watched them walk around the shop.
“That’s the man I told you about. I don’t know who she is, but that’s him.”
“I’ll see what they want.” Kinley walked toward the register and smiled at them. “Do you need some help?”
“Oh, no. We’re just visiting the town and checking out all the shops. It looks like all the stores have an old-fashioned feel to them,” the woman said as she looked at Addison.
“Well, Clifton is a very old town, and we like it that way. Let me know if you need any help.”
They continued to walk around then with one last look at Addison, they walked outside.
“What the hell was that about?”
Addison shook her head. “I have no idea, but that man is creepy as hell.”
“No shit. If they come in again, I’m calling Sam,” Kinley said.
Addison nodded but couldn’t stop glancing at the door. Who were they? They could be tourists, but something just didn’t sit right with either of them. And what do they want from her? It seemed a little strange that the man came into her shop after staring at her the other evening. She didn’t like him, and she hoped he wasn’t hanging around when she closed up today. Maybe since it would still be daylight when they closed today, he wouldn’t be around. She hoped not, but she hated the idea of walking to her car alone, even in broad daylight.
“Kinley? Will you close up with me today? I’m afraid that man will be out there again.”
“Of course.”
At noon, the other employees left leaving her and Kinley alone to close up. She usually did it herself, but she was too frightened. She removed their purses from the safe, and after handing Kinley hers, they left the store. Addison locked the door, and they started along the sidewalk.
“I’m going to start parking in the back of the building,” Addison said.
“It’s too dark back there at night.”
“Yeah, that’s true. Shit. There he is.” Addison came to a halt and looked at her.
“Come on, we’re going to walk past him and let him know he doesn’t bother us.”