Page 64 of Cody
“Did you speak to them inside your store?”
“Kinley did. They said they were just visiting the town and checking out all the shops. But she looked at me when she said it, when Kinley was the one who asked the question. I just remembered that.”
Cody took her hand and led her inside the house, then to the living room where he had her sit on the sofa.
“I’ll be right back.” He strode to the kitchen, picked up his cellphone, and scrolled through the photos on it. He stopped at one and held the phone up. “Is that her?”
Addison looked at it and gasped. “Yes.”
“Shit. I knew it. That’s Gwyn. It looks like she found me and knows I’m seeing you. That would be the only reason she’d be in your store. Damn it. This picture was taken a few years ago at a party. I would have deleted it, but the others in the photo are friends. I suppose I should have cropped her out.”
Addison took the phone from him and stared at the photo.
“I don’t see the man she was with.”
“I don’t know who he could be.”
“There’s probably nothing we can do unless they do something to us.”
“I don’t believe they’ll do anything, but she’s here for a fucking reason and I want her gone.”
“Her reason is she wants you back, but why now?”
“Because she probably heard I retired and thinks she can get back with me. It will not happen.”
“Should we talk to Sam?”
“I doubt he’d be able to do anything since they haven’t done anything.”
“So, we wait until they do? I don’t like this, Cody. This woman wants back in your life and who knows what she’s capable of?”
Cody sighed. He knew she was frightened but he didn’t think Gwyn would cause anyone bodily harm. He wasn’t even sure she wanted him back.
“She had to find out about me seeing you,” he murmured.
“How? How would she find that out?”
“I don’t know. I honestly don’t. Unless she did hire a private investigator. I wouldn’t put it past her. If she can’t have me, no one can.”
“I’m not going to put up with that woman, or man, stalking me. Something needs to be done. Soon.”
“What are you saying? You’d stop seeing me because of her?”
Addison shook her head. “I don’t know what I’m saying, other than, I will not deal with her. In any way, shape, or form. I want her gone.”
“I can’t make her leave, Addison. She hasn’t even contacted me.”
“Well, I think the sheriff’s office should know, in case something does happen.”
He sighed. “All right. I’ll talk with Sam or one of his deputies.”
“I’m going with you when you do. I can describe the man. You can show them that photo of Gwyn you seem to hang on to.”
“Excuse me? I seem to hang on to? That’s not fair, Addison. I told you the other people are friends.”
“You should have done what you said and cropped her out,” she snapped.
“Jealousy does not become you, Addison,” he growled.