Page 7 of Cody
“Hardhead,” she muttered.
“Stubborn,” he murmured.
He glanced at her to see her biting her lip to keep from laughing, but when he chuckled, she laughed.
“So, you don’t believe it was fate that you met Addison today?”
“Should I?”
“Yes. You didn’t want to go in with me but changed your mind at the last minute.” Vivian shrugged. “Fate.”
“We’ll see. She is beautiful, so I am glad I went in with you.”
“Me too. When are you moving into your new home?”
“I have to return home to pack things up and call a moving company. So, whenever I do that, I’ll be moving. I’m thinking of heading back this weekend.”
“And when do you plan to call Addison?”
“Good Lord, Vivian. I don’t know yet. I have so much to do right now.”
“Well, if you wait too long, you’ll miss out.”
He looked over at her, then back to the road.
“You think so, huh?”
“Maybe.” Vivian shrugged.
Cody chuckled. “I’ll call her tomorrow.”
“Good. I like her.”
Cody shook his head, admiring his sister’s determination. He couldn’t deny feeling drawn to the pretty pharmacist despite his reservations. Her golden hair was streaked with lighter highlights and piled neatly on her head. He imagined taking out the pins and running his fingers through her hair. It had been a while since his breakup with Gwyn, and he was ready to start dating again. Perhaps there could be something special between him and Addison.
However, Cody couldn’t help but feel hesitant after his past relationships. He wanted to settle down one day, get married, and have children, but he was also cautious about diving into another serious relationship.
“Why isn’t she married?” he asked Vivian, glancing at her.
“She’s a widow,” Vivian replied sadly.
“I’m sorry to hear that... How long has it been?” Cody inquired.
“Um, I think close to three or four years,” Vivian answered, shaking her head. “She told me when we got to know each other. You know I take blood pressure meds, and Addison was there the first time I went into the pharmacy. We struck up a conversation, and I got to know her better. She’s truly a wonderful person. Her husband was killed in Afghanistan.”
Cody nodded. “Damn. Well, she seems nice.”
“Do not hurt her, Cody Randall Haines.”
He chuckled. “I’ll try not to, Vivian Louise Haines Dayton Beckett.”
“You can drop the Dayton, you know.”
Cody laughed. “Thank God. Your name is getting way too long.”
Vivian chuckled. “I just like the Beckett part.”