Page 75 of Cody
“What’s wrong?”
“Uh, nothing.” Kinley tried to crumple up the paper.
Addison held out her hand. “Let me see.”
“You shouldn’t see this.”
Addison snatched the paper from her friend’s hand, unfurled it, and saw Cody in Gwyn’s hotel room doorway. Her heart jumped to her throat when she noticed Gwyn wearing Cody’s cowboy hat, with his hands on her hips as her hands clung to his neck. Addison gritted her teeth, crumpled up the photo and tossed it into the trash.
“Are you okay?” Kinley asked worriedly as she retrieved the paper from the garbage and smoothed it out.
“Why did you do that?”
“Because something is fishy about this. How convenient that this photo just appeared after Cody talked to her.” She placed the photo on the counter and flattened it out. “Take another look.”
Addison took the photo and scrutinized it, then grinned.
“This is a set-up. Look at Cody’s face. He looks surprised.” She handed it back to Kinley.
“Yes! I bet Gwyn had someone take the photo. But how did they know Cody was going to stop by?”
“It was probably just luck. Maybe the man who’s with her saw Cody pull into the parking lot while taking a smoke break. It was an opportunity too good to pass up for Gwyn to mess with us.”
“Well, it almost worked. What do we do now?”
“Oh, I think we’ll close for the day. It’s getting worse, and no sense in waiting around. How many pick-ups do we have left?”
Kinley checked the computer. “None. Probably everyone is closing, but what are you going to do?”
“Take a ride to the hotel in Hartland.”
“You can’t go there alone,” Kinley exclaimed.
Addison nibbled on her lower lip. “You’re probably right, but I want to throw this in her face.” She held the paper up.
“I’ll follow you, but we have to go now before it gets worse. Since I live in Hartland, I can just go home from there. If it gets worse, you can stay with me.”
“I appreciate that, but I need to get home to Lolli. I’ll be fine as long as ice isn’t involved. I have four-wheel-drive.”
“Okay. Let’s finish up and go.”
Addison gave a nod to the rest of the staff, signaling that it was time to close up and leave for the day. She and Kinley locked up the building before making their way to Hartland. With only one hotel in town, Addison knew exactly where they were headed.
As they drove, she kept checking her rearview mirror to make sure Kinley was still following and doing okay.
When they arrived at the hotel, Addison pulled into the parking lot and found a spot. She grabbed the photo off the seat and checked the room number on the door. It was lucky that it was between their heads.
After getting out of the car, she saw Kinley walking toward her.
“She’s in room one twenty-three. I can see it in the photo.”
“Damn, I didn’t even think about which room she would be in.” Kinley laughed.
“Me neither until we got here. Were we going to knock on every door?”
“We might have had to. Let’s just get this over with.”
The two women took a deep breath and marched across the snow-covered parking lot toward Gwyn’s room. The snow was falling heavily now, and Addison knew they needed to act fast.