Page 10 of Rhodie

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Page 10 of Rhodie

I think back to a time I remember seeing them have what looked to be some type of disagreement. I remember this vividly because at 12 years old my mom had been helping me learn to read faces, and I’d finally mastered the angry face. They both had angry faces, the husband more than the wife. They moved around the rooms on my treehouse side of their house, and I watched their argument play out disjointedly as they paced and stopped in front of different windows. Sort of like a peep show, where you only get tantalizing snippets of what you really want to know. I never saw what happened in the end because I got called in for dinner. I never thought much of it with my 12-year-old brain, but now, maybe there’s something there.

I kick my shoes off, surprised they’re even still on, bring my legs up, and cross them criss-cross applesauce on my office chair before yelling

“GUS, TAV, JULES!” at the top of my lungs. Within moments, I can hear a stampede of giant brothers barrelling down the hallway. Gus and Tav reach my doorway first, both of them elbowing each other before Gus makes a break for it and dives into my fluffy chair from the doorway. Tav kicks him in the leg on the way past to then lean against my window whilst Jules walks in, giving them both the stink eye and resting his ass on my desk.

“You bellowed, dear delicate sister?” August says with a smirk.

“Yeah, what can you remember about the foreign couple that lived next door when we were kids?”

I watch all my brother’s eyebrows furrow. That’s the great thing about being family, everyone has the same facial expressions.

“I remember mowing their lawn one summer. They paid me like, $20 once a every couple of weeks, to do it while they were overseas. Was an awesome gig,” Tav says.

“Why do you want to know, Dayz?”

“I’ve been looking into everything about Mom and Dad and nothing. Figured I’d start up on the neighbors. The Parkers are still next door and pretty boring. The other couple, though, they were intriguing. Can you remember their names, Gus? Jules?”

“The Voronov’s. Kaz and Kaya. Kaya was really hot for an older woman. I remember seeing her a few times when I was back from college,” August adds.

I spin in my seat a little to get the thinking juices flowing. Which is not as easy as you think, given my legs are crossed up under me, so I’m not very elegantly gripping my desk to help with the swing. I look up and my brothers are smirking. Bastards.

“What are the chances that the Voronovs know any Kraykowskis? Or is that me being prejudiced?” I continue spinning, catching glimpses of my brother’s faces as I make my pass.

Tav has been looking out of the window and I see him turn to me with a frown on his face,

“I remember they left suddenly. Like immediately after Mom and Dad died. I remember because I was staying at Brandon’s house that night of the party, and it was his mom who woke me up to tell me I needed to go home. She dropped me off at about 8 am. She left me down the road because of the police cordons, but they were letting people out of the street to go to work and the stuff. I remember the police had stopped the Voronovs, and they were saying they really had to get going, they had a flight to catch, and that they never saw or heard anything, but if they thought of anything they’d call. I never saw them again after that.”

I stop spinning and stroke my imaginary beard. “Hmmm, veeeery interesting. Looks like I have a bit of a lead, boys. Lemme see where this line of investigation gets me. What are you all working on?”

“The MC has hired us to tighten up some of their security. It’s not bad, Wire did a good job, however, we can beef it up a little more. Oh, yeah, by the way, I told Wire I’d send you over when you have time. He wants to bounce some ideas off you for tightening up their cyber security.” August says as he stands and heads for the door.

“Can’t he just email me?”


“Argh fine! Can I catch a ride with one of you? It’s raining and you KNOW Delilah doesn’t like the rain.”

“Dayz, you know we love you, but you really need to learn how to drive and get rid of that damned scooter. It’s not safe!” Jules growls at me.

“You hush your mouth, Jules! Delilah is VERY safe, thank you very much. She just doesn’t like to get wet. And another thing, I can totally drive. I just choose not to.” I flip him the bird and he rolls his eyes as he walks out the door.

“Keep telling yourself that, kid, and one day we might all believe it,” Tav says as he walks past my desk and moves all my shit around before leaving. I need new brothers. These ones suck.


It’s been a week since a tiny whirlwind maimed and murdered a guy in my back shed and I can’t stop thinking about her. It’s starting to piss me off. I’m in an MC, for fuck’s sake. We have bunnies ripe for the picking. All I have to do is give them the eye, and the next thing you know, my cock is down their throat.

I gave up fucking them when I realized I didn’t want to keep sticking my dick where my brothers had been, although blow jobs from the bunnies are fine if I can’t find the time to head off-site to pick up a little strange. I didn’t lie when I told Tuesday that I hadn’t fucked anyone in 5 months. Thanks to the success of the garage, I haven’t had time to pick up any women. Maybe that’s why my brain is stuck on Tuesday? It hasn’t had dick-in-pussy action for a while, so it’s latched on to the first woman I’ve had contact with. It’s the only explanation.

What makes it worse is that other than her giant whiskey eyes that only look at you sometimes, and her masses of dark curls, I can’t actually recall what she looks like other than remember she was pretty in a girl next door type of way. Which, when you compare her to the blonde hair and tits and ass here on the compound, is pretty average. I think my dick wants average. This has never happened before.

It must be because of all this Kraykowski bullshit. For a whole ass week, my brothers and I have been dredging up everything and anything we can think of to figure out a link between me and him and nothing. It’s starting to set me on edge, which is not what I need my mind on if I want to keep my brothers and the MC safe.

Still feeling jittery and unsettled, I get up off my bed, deciding a workout is probably what I need. Maybe someone might want to hop in the ring with me and go a few rounds. Rider is usually up for that kind of shit. If I blow off some steam, my brain might come back online. Yeah, that’s a great idea. It’s probably just stress. I head down the hall and find Rider at the pool table, chatting up a new bunny. She’s tall, blonde, has pasties on her nipples, and it’s only lunchtime.

“Yo Rider! Wanna go a few rounds? I want to blow off some steam and punching you seems like a good idea” He swings his shaggy dark head towards me before giving me a chin lift. He turns back to the bunny, who now has a full-on pout on her lips, but once he whispers something in her ear, she perks up and runs a tongue along her very large and very shiny lips. I wonder where we find these girls? I shrug to myself and head on back to the gym.

The compound used to just comprise the main building, but as the MC has grown over the years, other buildings have popped up such as the gym which is out the back door and sits alongside the shed where we take unwanted guests. As basic as it looks from the outside, inside it’s a gym bros wet dream. All the equipment you could ever want, weight benches, weight rigs, cardio machines, the lot, and in the middle of the room is the ring where we all like to throw a few punches or practice our moves. Some brothers are trained in Jiu-Jitsu and have given us all a few lessons. They’re great skills to have. Rider’s feet stomping through the space let me know his lazy ass has finally turned up, and I offer him a little smirk before we plow into each other in a flurry of fists and feet.

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