Page 22 of Rhodie
“Fuck Pops! You just shot at Rhodie. What the hell?’’
Wait, what? Pops shot at me? I get my leg out from under my bike, jumping up before I turn to the old bastard.
“What the hell, Pops? Did you just fire at me?” Pops doesn’t answer straight away, but he does mean mug me as he walks down the porch steps in my direction. I hear Gus let out a sigh.
“Pops, why the hell would you fire a shot at Rhodie? Explain. Now!” Pops rolls his eyes at Gus and I almost want to hit an old man.
“Stop whining. I made sure not to hit him on purpose. Look, this is the first date my grandbaby has ever been on. I’m giving him the terms and conditions,” he answers Gus and his brothers with a smartass grin on his face.
“Jesus Christ Pops, you could have killed him! Ugh, just give him the Ts&C’s and let them get on with it,” Tav bites out.
“Fine! If you fuckover my grandbaby, if you hurt her feelings or lead her along, I will non-lethally shoot you. Then Imma take your bike-”
“Yeah yeah, I get it. You’ll non-lethally shoot me, then stick my bike up my ass.”
“-No. I’m going to non-lethally shoot you, then I’ll take your bike, ride over to the diner, and take Rosie for a ride. Then I’ll fuck Rosie on your bike -” I can hear Chewy’s brothers all groan
“-I’ll fuck Rosie on your bike and leave our juices all over that fine leather seat. Then Imma wipe down that seat and ride over to the clubhouse where you’ll be laid up in bed, with your medic brother looking out for ya. Then Imma look after you real good. I’ll hold that sippy cup up to that lying mouth of yours, and when you dribble, I’m going to use that cum towel to clean your face off. That’s what I’ll do if you fuck over my grandbaby.” With that, the crazy old bastard storms off. My mouth is still open in shock and I’m pretty sure I hear Tav grumble,
“Why the fuck does he have to bring Rosie into this? She’s a nice lady.” In shock, I turn to look at all three of Chewy’s brothers.
“Shit, are you ok man?” Tav asks with concern. I shake my head before I break into laughter. Holy fuck, if that isn’t the best “don’t hurt my daughter” speech in the history of speeches, I don’t know what is.
“Yeah man, I’m fine. No damage done to me or the bike, so we’re all good.” I dust off a little more before I hear Chewy’s voice.
“What the hell is going on out here? Did I hear a gunshot?” We all turn to look at her, before looking at each other and bursting into laughter.
I’m not entirely too sure what I missed, but I’m certain I heard a gunshot.
“Yeah, Pops just shot at Rhodie and gave him the ‘Don’t hurt my grandbaby’ speech.”
“What!? He shot at you? What the hell, Pops!” I look over at my Pops, who is rocking in his chair on his back porch waving a gun in Rhodie’s direction. I look back at my brothers and they all have big grins on their faces. Rhodie, on the other hand, is busy staring at me.
“You look beautiful, Chewy,” his gravelly voice whispers to me. I smile up at him and try to maintain eye contact, but it’s a little too intense, so I look away at the last moment, but I’m still proud that I did it for longer than usual.
I take him in. He’s in tidy dark jeans. These don’t seem to have any grease stains like all the other jeans I’ve seen him in, although there is a mark where I’m guessing he scuffed them when Pops shot at him. He’s wearing a dark long-sleeved shirt with the top couple of buttons undone and I can see his chest hair peeking out. He has his cut over the top and his dark blonde hair is windblown and curls around his ears. By the time I look back at his face, I see a smirk on his lips, and his right eyebrow is raised.
“You looked your fill, or do you need a little more time?”
“Oh, um, you look good too, Rhodie. I like your shirt.” He offers me a crooked smile before I hear all three of my brothers groan.
“Good god this is painful to watch.” I hear Jules mutter.
“It’s like watching two teenagers on their first date,” Tav whispers to Gus, who has a smile on his face but elbows him to shut up. I give them all the hairy eyeball. Maybe if I’m lucky, they’ll all head back to their own homes. Instead, they all stand there smiling creepily at us. I clear my throat.
“So, um, do you like, wanna go? And get away from these weirdos?” Rhodie gives me a grin, and bends to pick up his bike, standing it upright, with help from my brothers. Well, I think they’re helping. They mainly look like they’re getting in the way.
“Your chariot awaits.” Rhodie gets on, lends me his hand and helps hold me steady. I stand on the foot peg and I throw my other leg over the bike seat. I’ve been practicing getting on and off Tav’s bike for the last few hours, as I knew deep down inside this is not something I could master with my shittily low level of coordination and grace.
Hooking his hands in my knee pits to pull me closer to him, my front molding to his broad back. I’m hit with his comforting smell and I lean my cheek on his back and take in his scent, in a totally non-creepy way. I don’t need this hot dude to know I’m sniffing him.
I feel his broad back rise and fall on a deep sigh before he pulls my hands around his waist to rest on his hard stomach. He pats my hands before firing up his bike, and the feeling of the engine vibrating runs right through me. Yes, it’s obscenely loud. However, the rumble beneath me lulls me into a relaxed state. Which is what I so desperately need at the moment.
This is a first for me. Yes, I’ve had crushes on men I find attractive in my life. However, not once have I ever been on a date with them. In the past, men have approached me and because I’ve not been overly great at reading the situation or what their intentions may be, I’ve found myself in some not so savoury positions. Add in the fact that I was only 16 when I first went to College there are a bunch of added layers to my lack of healthy relationships with men I’m not related to.
But Rhodie is different. He’s a safe person. He makes me feel like my quirks aren’t something I have to hide. I like that. I would also very much like to fuck him and this bike vibrating my bits is not helping. Rhodie slows and I look up and see that we are pulling into the axe-throwing place.