Page 34 of Rhodie
An older man opens the door almost immediately and ushers me through the foyer and into what I’m guessing is Roman’s home office. Standing to the side of what I assume is Roman’s desk is a short woman. She has big tits, thick thighs encased in black business pants, black hair pulled into a low ponytail at the back of her head, stunning green eyes, and a killer frown on her face. Fuck me, I think I just fell in love.
I stop working on my computer to take off my specs and give my eyes a rub. I try not to make it too obvious, otherwise Rhodie will be all over me to take a break, have a nap, or feed me a snack for the 100th time today. It’s really sweet but I have a task I need to do and stopping for anything will ruin my flow.
Katya, Wire, and I have been at this for a week now and we seem to keep running into dead ends. We know a ton more about his business than we did before, but nothing is throwing up his location, just the location of his minions, and given that the brothers that are out trawling the streets have “dispatched” a few of these men and Kraykowski hasn’t retaliated at all, shows me he doesn’t care about the men lower down the totem pole. I glance around the room and note that Gus still isn’t back from wherever he disappeared. I plop down on the couch next to Tav.
“Have you seen Gus? I saw him leave a few hours ago, but I haven’t seen him come back.” Tav looks around the room.
“Nah sorry, sis. I didn’t even know he’d left. We’re on lockdown, so whatever he is doing must be important. He’ll be fine.” I know he will be. He’s a badass, but with everything going on, I’m feeling a little unsettled not having eyes on my people.
I watch Roman stand and head toward Marx. He moves fluidly across the room, much like a panther. I watch him lean in towards Marx. Whatever he has just said has Marx’s head snap up, and he mouths the word “Fuck” before rubbing a hand down his face. I feel a large hand land on my shoulder, and I already know that it’s Rhodie.
Somehow, it’s like my body knows when he’s near. I don’t think I have any type of sixth sense. I think somehow, probably due to continued sexual relations, my body is sensitive to his pheromones, so I have this new awareness. I make a note to do some research into this once everything calms down. Before I can turn to Rhodie to share my thoughts, Marx bangs his fist on the table a couple of times.
“Right, listen up. Gus left to pick up a package from Roman’s secretary at his country home office. They’ve been ambushed and taken off into the woodland. They’ve only just now got word out to us. Chewy, can you pull up any security footage from Roman’s?”
Rhodie plops my laptop on my lap so I don’t have to move from Tav’s side. I work as fast as I can; I need to know my brother is safe. Roman’s security network throws up screens from numerous cameras around his house and holy shit, does this man have full coverage.
“The woodland that backs onto my home is part of the National Forest. You go far enough, you end up in Louisiana. They’ll be fine in there until we can get to them. Your brother is ex-military, no?”
Tav lets out a snort. “Nope. We’re townies. If Kraykowski’s men don’t kill him, a night in the woods might.”
“That is not ideal. Thankfully Ana has outdoor knowledge, so they will be fine for a time. She knows where I have placed cameras in the woodland, if we’re lucky, she’ll lead them that way so we will have eyes on them at all times,”
“Got them!” I pull the footage up on the common room big screen so we can all see what’s happening.
“What the hell are they doing?” Wire asks, his head tipped sideways.
“Is that lady hitting him?” Jules squints at the footage on the screen. We watch as a short woman hits my brother with a switch and then watch as he turns to storm off but stumbles on a tree root. We then watch as the short woman places her hands on her hips and shakes her head at him, then gesticulates wildly. Obviously, they’ve shaken whoever was chasing them. Man, my brother is really shit in nature. We continue watching everything unfold and then Roman’s phone goes off. He grins down at it and puts on the speaker function.
“We need extraction ASAP. We’ve lost the two tracking us, however, there were at least six others at the house, unsure how long it’ll be before they venture into the woodland to draw us out.”
Everyone within earshot shoots each other confused looks. That is not the accent any of us were expecting. Roman grins wider before raising a brow at Marx.
“I have four men riding in who will be with you in about 10 minutes. Think you can wait that long?” Marx rasps out.
“I can wait 10 minutes. I don’t know if this big bastard can.” We then hear whisper bickering in the background and we can’t help but laugh. This must be killing Gus. I backhand my brother.
“Tav, go get Pops. He’s going to love this shit. Gus’s big ass is being handed to him by that little lady.” I feel him move away from me, but I’m not looking away from this shit because it’s comedy gold. Everyone in the clubhouse has eyes glued to the big screen.
“Who knew that Gus was completely useless in the wild?” Rhodie states as he takes Tav’s place on the couch and throws his big arm around my shoulders.
“Ah, guys, has anyone seen Pops?” All heads swivel towards the puzzled look on Tav’s face and then to the murderous look on Marx’s face. He slowly lifts his phone to his ear and waits a beat before growling,
“Wire! Check footage for any sign of Pops.” Within moments, he’s running out of his room and out the door.
“Everyone stay here!” Marx barks before following with Rhodie and Rider.
I look back at the big screen and then notice from the corner of my eye Roman looking at me intently. He moves panther-like across the room until he is standing in front of me.
“Tuesday, would you mind if I sit?” I shake my head and he takes a seat a respectable distance from me. I wait for whatever he wants to say.
“I have admired your work ethic and your dedication to the cause.”
“Um, ok.”
“I have been thinking that you are the exact type of person that I need in my organization. How much would it cost me to secure your services?” He tilts his head and smiles a pleasant smile.