Page 47 of Rhodie
I peer down at him and see a slow thud of a pulse in his neck, and he’s also still reasonably healthy-colored despite all the goings on.
“Yup, he definitely is. Although judging by how bloated he looks, I’d say it’s not too much longer to go before he blows,” Lexi snorts and goes back to painting.
“You’ll be leaving soon, won’t you?”
“Yeah. In about an hour. I just wanted to see everyone first. I really need to see Pops. He wants to exchange emails so he can teach me things via the interweb, as he calls it.” She rolls her eyes and giggles a little.
“He’s inside tearing your dad a new one for not letting us kill Kovalev. You think there was any reason behind that?” I watch as the younger woman drops the paintbrush into the bucket and lets out a long breath.
“The DRMC are good men that do bad things to help others. My Dad is a bad man who does things to aid himself. Don’t get me wrong, I love him, and he wouldn’t hurt the people he cares for, but the only reason I can see him keeping Kovalev alive is because he needs him. I don’t know why, I just hope keeping him alive doesn’t come back to bite us on the ass.”
“Yeah. So what are you going to do now that you’re the heir to the Ushakov fortune?”
“I’m to take over all his business, both legal and illegal. Not sure of all his dealings yet, but you can guarantee that there will be no skin trade on my watch.” I give her a big grin and she smiles back. I’m going to miss my friend. Katya and Ana are an absolute riot, both strong independent women in their own way, but Lexi and I understand and live in a much darker place.
“Can I ask you something?” She nods her head, giving me the go-ahead.
“Why did you come back? I saw your knife land in Kovalev’s thigh, remember?” She smirks up at me for a moment.
“I wanted to make sure my friends were safe. Why did you refuse to leave when Rhodie asked you to?”
“Same reason you were there, to make sure my friends were safe” She holds her fist out to me and we bump gently, grinning until a long, low keening noise escaping from Kraykowski’s lips interrupts our moment. Lexi hums a song over the top of his noises and secures the lid on the honey bucket before dusting off her hands. We walk side-by-side back to the clubhouse.
“That stuff always makes me feel hungry, dunno why.”
We’re all sitting around the table in church and Marx is going over the last of the details from our auction bust.
“So, the last of the women have been returned home thanks to Katya and the Tombs family doing all the legwork on that one. I imagine they’ll need some type of counseling to get over their ordeal. Savage has reached out to me, wanting to become allies. I’ve had Wire look through all their dealings and besides running drugs now and then they’re on the up and up. Savage has really cleaned up their act since he became Pres, nowhere near being the 1% club they once were. If nobody opposes the idea, I suggest we get together for a cookout to meet the Death Riders and their members, then reconvene and decide. All in favor?” Aye’s chorus around the table. Savage seems like a solid Pres and his sergeant served in the military, so I’m sure they’re probably more like us than we realize.
“Ok, so Katya is going to be staying in town for a bit, settling into a life of not having to hide anymore. Ana’s running point on Roman’s business whilst he’s away. Roman, Sasha, and Lexi will leave for Russia in the next hour or so. That slimy bastard is hiding something. I know he is, however, I’m unsure if it’s going to affect us. I just want to be done with that Russian fucker.”
I rub my scruff and decide I’ll monitor the Bartashev goings on through Chewy. I know she and Lexi are friends and if worse comes to worst, I’ll ask Pops. He has plans to email her fun ways to kill a man, so I’m sure he’ll do me a solid if I need it. He’s been a lot better with me since I claimed his ‘grandbaby’. He’s only called me Shit Stain a couple of times. She wears my property patch with her name ‘Chewy’ on the front and I couldn’t be happier or more whipped.
As soon as the doctor cleared me for strenuous activities, I have been making up for my dick move. I’ve been letting her act out her kinky little fantasies on me, well, most of them. There are still a couple I’m not totally on board with.
“The Tombs will look into Kovalev and Anton Sorokin for me, so you’ll still see them around the compound. Right, I think that’s about it. Get outta here, fuckers.”
Marx slams the gavel, and we all file out of church. I make a beeline for Chewy before I’m interrupted by Mad Dog.
“Chewy girl, this package was delivered for you.” He places it on the table before heading back to the kitchen, probably to smooch up my stepmother.
“Ohhhh it’s here!” I see Chewy rush towards the box and, of course, she hits the side of a chair on her way past, but as usual, she just bounces off and carries on.
“What’s in the box?” Rider asks her. She doesn’t answer straight away because I can see she’s trying to use her fingernail to slice through the tape on the box, to no avail. Marx steps up to it, flicks his knife out, and slices it for her, all whilst she’s dancing around flapping.
“This, my friends, is a special gift for Rhodie. I’ve been waiting for aaaaaages,”
I wander closer to her to peek into the box once my brother gets the tape cut through.
“I don’t need any gifts baby,”
“Welllll, it’s kinda a gift for both of us,” she mutters as she rummages in the box and pulls out a silicone dildo with a triumphant look on her face. The whole of the common area falls silent.
“Um, is that a dildo?” Wire asks her carefully. Chewy spins to look at him.
“This isn’t any old dildo Wire. This here is a perfect replica of my man’s equipment.” She spins back to face me.