Page 6 of Rhodie
“Did you hear what he said? It was a hit, Tav! What the actual fuck? Why the fuck would anyone put a hit out on Mom and Dad?” Wait, what? I look over at her brothers and they look a mix of spitting mad and fucking devastated. They share a look before August takes control.
“Tav, take Tuesday to get an ice cream. You know she thinks better with a scoop” Marx swings his head in their direction. I swear if he did that any faster, his head would have rolled off. I don’t blame him. That is so fucking out of left field, I have no idea what is going on. Tav gently leads his sister away and August gestures at us to sit.
“A fucking ice cream? Really? She’s just fucking maimed a dude in there for information and now she’s what, going to skip off into the sunset to eat a fucking cone?” I can tell Marx is getting more and more worked up over the absolute ridiculousness of this situation, but before I can tell him to settle, Jules speaks.
“Look asshole, as you said yourself, our sister is something else. She’s fucking damaged in a way that even her autism diagnosis can’t explain.” Jules grits out. Before he can carry on, August interrupts.
“She’s the baby of the family. I’m 8 years older than her. Jules is 7 years and Tav is the closest to her at 3 years older. Our parents were killed 17 years ago, and she was the only kid at home that night. The police report states it was a B&E that went wrong. Mom and Dad were both shot in what looked like a robbery, but Tuesday never thought so. She has never spoken about what she saw or heard that night, no matter how many detectives and child psychiatrists she had to speak to.”
“Who raised her after that?” I don’t know why, but I need to know more about her story. I need to know how she can torture a man and then head off for an ice cream. This shit just isn’t computing right.
“Our Grandpop moved in to raise her and Tav, with us two moving home to help.” August takes a breath before speaking again. “I know for a fucking fact that she knows something, and that’s what’s been driving her all this time. She graduated high school at 15, then went straight into college. She’s one of the best hackers around and the most stubborn person you’ll ever fucking meet. I’m guessing if she’s tracked this Alan here and gotten wrapped up in this, then she has a plan, and that now includes you guys. Whether or not you want it, she’s going to figure out what the fuck is going on.”
Chapter 3
Ilead Dayz out to my SUV, help her in, and curse yet again that none of us put running boards on our SUVs so our sister can get in without help.
“OK Dayz, how do you feel about stopping at Chick-fil-A and picking up a cone through the drive-through? That good enough? I also have a gift for you, I’ll give it to you after you eat” I gaze over at my baby sister and see that she’s doing her thinking stim - squishing her bottom lip between her thumb and pointer finger.
To people outside of our family, you’d think it was weird, but since Dayz was little, we all knew there was something a little different about her. Not in a bad way, not at all. In some ways, she’s completely normal. Super girly when she’s not in her “hunting outfit”, goofy, and a little weird. I guess you’d refer to her as one of those manic pixie girls that were big in the 90s. But she’s also a fucking genius.
The downside is that for her to use that genius, she has funny little rules and rituals that she needs to work at full capacity. She stops squishing her lip and turns to me with a massive smile.
“Chick-Fil-A sounds perfect! I may as well get a burger, too. I’m starving! Totally forgot to eat in the run-up to this wee adventure,” she snorts to herself. A psychologist she saw as a kid explained to us that her brain is so focused on what she’s doing that those normal things to us, like eating and using the bathroom, take a backseat for Dayz. It’s not until she’s out of focus that things like remembering to eat come back online.
“You need to put that food reminder back on your watch, Dayz. Remember the last time you got caught up in a case and lost all that weight? Jules basically kept you prisoner and force-fed you. You don’t want to go through that again,” I warn her. Yeah, it was drastic, however, it was necessary. And Jules is the type of bastard to lose his mind if we’re not looking after ourselves properly.
“That was overkill and you know it! Jules is a bossy bastard,” she huffs back at me. He is, but he idolizes our sister. In a way, I think we all do.
I nod my head and guide us to the drive-thru to place our order. I sit happily in silence because I can tell judging by the frown on her face she’s working through something big.
“I need to talk to Gus and Jules. They’re older than us. They might remember stuff about Mom and Dad that I don’t. I was a kid and let’s face it, I spent most of my time in my room practicing magic. I’m certain I would have missed a lot of things about Mom and Dad’s lives.” I smile when I remember those magic days. Dayz was completely obsessed with the sleight of hand magic, and completely and utterly shit at it. I remember sitting through the terrible magic shows she put on for us. She turns to me with her large eyes.
“Do you think maybe they weren’t good people? Do you think that maybe someone sent shitty Alan to kill them for a reason?” Before I can answer her, the car behind us blares its horn, signalling us to get a move on.
“I really have no idea Dayz, I was 16, and I was more interested in trying to have sex with hot girls than what Mom and Dad were up to. Hopefully, it’s something Alan can shed some light on. “
I see her bob her head from the corner of my eye as I navigate our way back to the Devil’s Rose MC compound. It doesn’t really matter what I think, anyway. Dayz will figure it out, she always does.
I check the clock on the wall again and see that only 10 minutes have passed since Tav took Tuesday for an ice cream, and yet it feels as if she’s been gone for hours. I signal the prospect to bring over some beers for us while we wait. I pop the top off mine and take a long gulp whilst eyeing up August and Jules. In terms of personality, August has a similar way about him as Marx. He’s calm and collected, and yet you can feel the weight that rests on his shoulders. Jules, I find somewhat unnerving. He has a similar way about him as Tuesday, slightly detached, but his eyes are more calculating. Where Tuesday is warm and goofy, Jules is cold. The only time he seems to warm up is in the presence of his sister.
The door bangs open, pulling me from my observations, and Tuesday comes stumbling in with Tav, grabbing her arm to keep her from falling over. He shakes his head and smiles down at her. It’s clear these guys adore her.
She has her ice cream gripped in her hand and, for some reason, it looks as though she has ketchup on her top. I glance over at Marx and my poor Prez looks like he’s going to have a coronary. Never in one night have I seen his face in so many baffled expressions. She flops down in the seat next to mine and I watch her as her little pink tongue darts out to lick up the ice cream that’s dripped on her hand. Jesus Christ, is it hot in here?
“Right, lemme finish this and then I’ll get back to work. I think we can agree that he has no more info on why he was watching you dude” she says as she uses her ice cream hand to gesture my way “But once we get a name for the guy he works for, I’ll be able to get a little more info, I’m sure. So rest easy, sweetheart. We’ll sort this out.” I choke on my spit when she calls me sweetheart and I can hear Marx’s chuckle and Rider’s pain in the ass high-pitched laugh.
She goes back to licking her ice cream in the most fucking erotic way I have ever seen, and I discreetly have to move myself to stop my zipper digging into my hardening cock. As I rearrange myself, I look up and catch Jules looking at me with his dead eyes. His eyes flick from my face to my crotch, then to his sister and back to my face before he slowly raises his eyebrow at me. I smirk back, then a full-blown grin, when I see his nostrils flare. That’s right, fucker, you can’t intimidate me.
“Holy shit! You’re Tuesday Tombs! Fuck Prez, you never said that our trespasser was from Tombs Security!” The excitement in Wire’s voice as he comes into the common room has us all looking at him, baffled.
“What the fuck are you on about, Wire? You know these people?” Marx barks out.
“I didn’t recognize her over the camera footage, but yeah. That’s Tuesday Tombs, youngest person to be put on the FBI Black Hat hackers list and then taken off the FBI Black Hat hackers list. Owns Tombs Security with her brothers, which I’m guessing is you guys-” Wire turns to look at Tuesday’s brothers while Tav throws him a chin raise “- and the hacker that helped behind the scenes with that whole shit that went down with Demon Spawn MC. Her brothers were also the ones who gave us that list of out-of-state safe houses to keep the girls in until things blew over.”