Page 16 of Her Last Words
Trent took out his notepad and made a note of her name. “How long have you been seeing each other?”
Kaitlyn answered, “A couple of months?” She looked at Luis as if to verify.
“Sounds about right.”
“We understand that Felicity broke things off with you only a few weeks ago.” Amanda phrased it that way, putting the split relationship as being outside Luis’s control.
“It was mutual,” Luis said. “We’d been growing apart.”
“That’s not how we heard it.” The fact he was bald-faced lying to them had Amanda’s hackles going up.
“Let me guess… Celeste blabbed to you. That’s why you’re here in the first place.” Luis leveled a glare at them.
“Blabbed to us?” Trent prompted.
“Yeah, well, Celeste never liked me.”
Amanda could see why. Luis Navarro struck her as arrogant and a player. It wouldn’t surprise her if he had another girlfriend in addition to Kaitlyn. “You were cheating on Felicity, and she found out. You also proposed, and she turned you down. If I were you, that would have had my blood boiling.” She had added that latter part to hook a reaction, but Luis remained calm.
“It just wasn’t meant to be, I guess.”
“Huh.” Trent looked at Amanda and spoke to her. “He’s taking it much better than I would.”
“Sounds like he was cool-headed about it,” she replied.
“Hello? I’m right here. You can talk to me.” Luis was wildly waving his hand.
“Let’s just say, I don’t think either of us are buying this cool act of yours. Felicity was with you for months and decided to break up with you just after coming into serious money. How could you have been okay with that? The timing alone had to sting.” Trent was pouring acid on the open wound in Luis’s ego, but Amanda was letting it happen.
“It was what it was. I’ve got Katie.” Luis put his arm around the woman.
“Where were you last night between ten and midnight?” Amanda asked.
“Here with Katie.” Stated calmly, Luis had shed all guilt about his affair.
“That’s right.” Kaitlyn bobbed her head like one of those bobble dolls.
“What about between five forty and ten o’clock?” That time window accounted for approximately when they figured Felicity’s killer had arrived until the early end of time of death.
“I would have just been getting home from—” Luis clamped his mouth shut.
“From?” Amanda pressed.
Luis licked his lips and passed a nervous side-glance at Kaitlyn. “I picked up a burger, came home. That’s all.”
“You have a receipt?” Amanda countered.
“No. I paid cash and told them to throw it out.”
“Otherwise, you were here all day?” Trent asked.
“Between jobs at the moment.”
Huh. No income and dumped by his wealthy girlfriend… “Can anyone else confirm you were here last evening? Neighbors? Other friends who might have popped by?”
Kaitlyn bounced up and pivoted to face Luis. “Cat Lady saw me in the hallway.”
Trent looked up from his notebook. “What time was this?”